part 3; chapter eight

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Babu was in the back of some type of strange cantina. You felt on edge inside. It was incredibly warm and crowded from wall to wall with different machines, half built droids, and hanging wires. But Poe trusted it, and trusted this place. You wondered if it wasn't the place itself that made you uneasy, but the idea that something --- anything --- could happen. So many people were looking for you right now.

"I haven't the faintest idea why I agreed to this," C-3PO said. All of the wires of his head were pulled out. "I must be malfunctioning. I must be malfunctioning."

"He said he's found something in your droid's memory bank," Zorii said. "Words translated from Sith?"

"Yeah, that's it," Rey said, nodding.

"That's what we need," Finn said.  

You looked away from the frost covered window and at C-3PO. Zorii was turning towards Poe again, who stepped away from you. "Who were you hanging out with that speaks Sith?"

Poe ignored her. "Babu, can you make him translate it?"

Zorii translated for the small creature, who spoke in a language you couldn't understand. "Yes," she translated, "but it will cause a complete---"

"A complete memory wipe," C-3PO finished. 

"Wait, wait, wait. We make him translate it... he won't remember anything?" 

Your heart squeezed in your chest. C-3PO, as annoying as he was, was your friend. You thought of all the times you spoke with him since you'd met him. 

"Droid," Babu tried to say in English, "droid memory blank. Blank."

"Oh!" cried C-3PO. 

"Blank, blank," Babu said with a nod. 

You got closer to the group, your arms crossed over your chest. C-3PO shook his head. "There must be some other way!" 

"Doesn't Artoo back up your memory?" Finn asked. 

"Oh, please. Artoo's storage units are famously unreliable."

"You know the odds better than any of us," Rey said. "Do we have a choice?"

C-3PO was silent for a long moment, and then he said, "If this mission fails... it was all for nothing. All we've done... all this time." He turned and stared forward, directly at you. 

"What are you doing there, Threepio?" Poe asked. 

"Taking one last look, sir," he said, "at my friends."

Your heart squeezed again and you felt tears fill your eyes. Poe's hand found yours and he gave it a squeeze, tight and reassuring. D-O, who sat at your feet with BB-8, said plainly, "Sad."

The moment was shattered by loud thudding in the distance. "Uh-oh," Babu said. 

"Night raids are gonna start soon," Zorii explained. "I'll keep look-out." 

"I'll come with you," Poe said automatically. His hand dropped yours. 

She laughed. "You still don't trust me, do you?"

"Did you ever trust me?" he asked. 


You couldn't help but feel worried. This woman had just held a gun to his head only a few minutes ago. "Poe---"

He looked at you and gave you a reassuring smile. "I'll be right back, sweetheart."

You didn't answer. You just let him go while Babu laughed. 

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