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Hi people! I wanted to get this chapter out before Christmas because it's a Christmas chapter! Kinda long too. Sorry! Cliche I know, but it still has to do with the original story and I know some of the characters personalities are different. Sorry! Also, I based some of this on what Christmas is actually like with my family and sorry if it sucks. I love you guys Merry Christmas!
“Sebastian do I really have to wear these clothes; they’re so uncomfortable!” Sebastian had dressed her in a pink lace dress with white high heeled boots, a single pink and white hair clip on the left side of her head, her bell necklace hidden underneath a pink scarf and white coat.

“Yes, guests are coming over today so you have to look your best,” Sebastian grinned at her.

“There’s snow all over the ground; couldn’t they just wait until it melts?” Sebastian opened his mouth to answer, but was interrupted by Finny bursting through the front door carrying an enormous tree.

“I got it just like you told me!” He yelled. Sebastian took the tree away from Finny.

“Why did you bring that inside?” Renzai asked Finny.

He gave her a funny look, “we have to have a Christmas tree; Christmas is tomorrow! I don’t know why Sebastian and Master Ciel waited this long to get one.”

“Finny go dust the snow off the trees,” Sebastian ordered.

“I’m coming with you!” Renzai skipped out the door behind Finny; snow crunched beneath their feet. Pluto was watching them closely; Renzai took the opportunity to get in some more puppet control practice. After the incident with Ciel, Sebastian had taken away her daggers; she’d gained more experience and now actually preferred puppet control over close combat. Mostly because she could make people do stupid things.
Finny started freaking out when he noticed Pluto laying on his back, pawing at something neither one of them could see. Renzai snickered, made Pluto chase his tail for a few seconds before letting him run off. Stupid dog knows not to mess with me anymore.

“Plu-Plu sure has been acting funny, don’t you think?” Finny asked as he started knocking the snow off the trees with a broom.

“I guess…Finny what’s Christmas?”

He spun around; completely shocked, “what! How do you not know about Christmas?” She shrugged. “Christmas is when you decorate your house with a big Christmas tree, your family comes over; you eat dinner and exchange gifts.” Finny turned back to the tree.

“Gifts?” Renzai asked.
“Yea, everyone gets a gift.” Renzai ran back inside; what am I going to get everyone? The tree Finny had earlier was now completely decorated; Sebastian and Ciel examining it closely for any flaws.

“Sebastian!” Renzai yelled, “what do I get everyone for Christmas?”

Ciel raised an eyebrow, “it’s a little late to do Christmas shop…” He was cut off by a loud screech.

Renzai covered her ears, “too loud!”

“CIEL!” Elizabeth squealed and hugged him tightly. “Merry Christmas; you’re goanna love what I got you!” She held up a large box before noticing Renzai.
“Who are you?” She gave her a funny look.

“My name is Renzai, I’m a new servant here,” she faked a smile. I can already tell this girl is going to annoy me.

Elizabeth smiled and clasped her hands together, “my name’s Elizabeth, but you can call me Lizzy. Did you get Ciel something to?”

“Actually, I haven’t gotten anyone anything,” Renzai admitted.

“What?! Not acceptable; we’re going out now so you can be a part of Christmas too! Paula can take us!” She pointed to a woman Renzai hadn’t noticed; Paula smiled and waved.

“Lizzy are you sure it’s a good idea to go back out with all the snow?” Ciel asked.

“Don’t worry we’ll be fine; besides this will give me and Renzai time to get to know each other,” she squeaked. Renzai winced at her high pitched voice.

She stared down at the floor, “I don’t have any money.”

Sebastian grabbed her hand and placed a pouch full of money, “you two go have fun ok and be sure to stay safe.”

Renzais face lit up, “thank you!”

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