[2] Anything For You

Start from the beginning

“You sound just like my mother,” Karolinna grumbled, though the word still stuck in her head, and a small upward twist appeared at the corners of her heavily glossed lips.

“Well, when bishahllt like this keeps happening, it's obvious you still need reminding.” 

Villahr looked back at the body. The woman’s dark hair fell in rivets down her exposed front, where evidently someone had loosened the buttons. Her eyes were wide open in a state of perma-shock, and the suspecting male was unsure as to what she wore on the bottom, as her legs were bare and there was no sign of the jettisoned clothing anywhere in the viscinity. 

She didn’t look to be much older than the mortal age of twenty, and Villahr suspected he was right. With one glance at the identification card sticking out of the purse discarded not far from her outstretched arm, he noticed she looked absolutely nothing like the picture of thirty-two year old ‘Midgely Carter’.

Karolinna ran her pinkie down the undressed flesh and then along the lacy, pink frill of Midge’s brassiere. The girl was obviously human. Villahr could see the veins under her skin, a still darkened purple, as the body finally began to roll to a stop, brimming with scarlet. From the looks of things she had hardly been dead more than twenty-five minutes. 

“She's beautiful isn't she?” piped in Karollina, as she proceeded to stroke her digits along the lifeless form, marvelling at how pale her hand was in comparison to the tanned skin it rested on. The look on her face showed admiration, but granted it also bore a touch of jealousy that her own complexion would never achieve such a gorgeous tawny tint.

“Yes,” Villahr finally replied to his friend’s question, bending closer to the lifeless form in between them, and putting his ear to her to her lip-stick smeared kisser. He listened, pressing two fingers to the side of her neck. He made a dissatisfied face when he found no pulse, but in all honesty, he never presumed their would be.

“She was.”

The pallid looking male threw another disappointed stare at Karolinna, lasting all of a few seconds, and then directed his attention to Midge’s departed figure. She was lying on her back, legs and arms spread when he arrived, and that’s the way she remained up until this point, her face pointed at the ceiling. It was as thought she was staring right through him. 

As much as he despised the humans sometimes, this woman didn’t deserve this, and surely she wasn’t expecting it when she dressed herself up for a night on the town. Villahr honestly couldn’t let her enter the afterlife looking so debauched and almost violated.

“Okay, before I do anything, I want you to do two things for me,” he said, not turning away from the diseased female before him. “First, find her pants.”

Karolinna’s cheeks turned blue, confirming that the pink blush he saw on there earlier was indeed makeup as the entire area she’d applied it to turned a pale violet. The ice-silver blood welled up beneath the surface of her skin, announcing to Villahr her temporary mortification. She tried hard to remember where exactly she had hurled them when they entered the room in the wee hours that morning.

Ehd Ovi!” Villahr rocked his head rocked his head from side to side in his amusement at the younger Vici’s licentiousness.

“Found them!” Karolinna finally announced. Squatting down low to the floor, she bounded up high into the air to snatch them from where they were hanging haphazardly off the crystal chandelier.

With some struggle, the pair were able to hike the the skin-fitted trousers up her spindly legs and back to their rightful place on her hips. Karolinna made sure they were zipped again, and received a disapproving glower from the male Vici when she went to fasten the button and discovered it had been torn off in the kerfuffle.

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