"Like how I look now. I'm in my female body." Motion his body. Well with the clothing he wearing many wouldn't be sure but hey he was lazy to change.

"What?" Lulu shocked and now seeing it a bit better. "That's crazy but cool."

"One way to call it."

"Since you can form a female body does that mean you can get pregnant?'' Shock still and tilt her head.

"Now that can be a bit complicated. So, I'm going to explain the best I can with my knowledge. If you put a male and female skeleton monster together to have a baby bones. Yes, they can have one unless one of the two can't give the other um what's that word. Don't remember. Like if one of the two not able to provide a child. So, they can go to adoption or a carrier. For a male and male skeleton. It's possible but one of the two males must be able to depending on their soul. Yes, they will need their female body to carry the child. But can stay in their male form during carrying till it's time to deliver. But if either of the two can't then again adoption or carrier. Same with a female and female skeleton but this time to make sure their male parts and their soul can be suitable to help their partner have a child. Again goes with them too with adoption and getting a carrier.  Some can or can't just like any other human and monsters. Now when it gets to like a skeleton monster with a human or monster it's the same thing but it can be a bit harder, longer or not possible at all. " Snap his finger back and was back to just his skeleton bone self. He swear he heard someone cursing from the hallway. Oh well probably the others trying to kill each other.

Unware to Error and Lulu a few of the pasta in the hallway overheard the conversation. Along with seeing Error body transform for a bit. Slenderman and Laughing Jack holding back Offenderman as he almost ran in.

"You bastered."

"Shut it you hungry beast."

"Guys should we be doing this?''

"Seriously? Eavesdropping crossing the line for you."

"Like you any better."

"I'm not."

"Shut up they are still talking-"

"How you get those scars around your skull."

They were silent. Liu and EJ are now holding Jeff back since he was ready to jump in. EJ cover his mouth before he yelled.

"Like I said before to Octopus. I had to do a lot of business I wasn't proud of and force to do." Point at his skull. "This was the results that happen for doing a job I didn't want. Now I'm no better since I did become an insane and not made it better on my end. But hey you do what you were force to do...Till you finally got away from it." Error was silent for a bit.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't you're not the one who did this to me. That's like saying I'm apologizing for hurting you."

"But you didn't."


The other in the hallway silent till EJ held back a yell when Jeff lick his hand.


"Says the one who eats kidneys."

"Surely you must have had a bit of friends who helped you out."

"I did they help me out through a few tough times." He was silent again and shake his head. "But it doesn't matter. Their gone and I can't do anything about it. A lot of mistakes that'll never be fixed."

"Um speaking of mistake...Why are you called Error. Its sounds just cruel."

He shrugged. "I really don't remember what my real name was. You saw me glitch and static up with Error signs. Well that's part of the reason I started to go by Error. Don't like it but over time the name became just part of me. "

~The Puppetmaster~(On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now