Chapter 2: A new start

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By the time that I was done with getting ready, it was then time to get the kids up. I walked out of the bathroom and walked to the door as I glanced over to Chi, who was sleeping soundly. I closed the bedroom door behind me as I left. I first went across the hall to Rikka and Rini's room. I turned on the light and watched them as they wrinkled up their noses. "Come on, it's time to get up. I'll make breakfast, so meet me in the kitchen." I said before I left to go wake Ryushi the same way that I woke the two girls. He did the same thing; wrinkled his nose but then covered his head with a blanket. I went down the stairs to the kitchen to start making them breakfast and lunch for Chi. I wasn't going to wake Reiji since he was going to start working on projects for I-island like what Chi does; so he and Ryushi have their own room. On Wednesday I'll have to teleport both of them to the island so they can be there for the day and get some supplies.

When I got to the kitchen, I went to the fridge and took out the whole carton of eggs. I then quickly threw some rice into the rice cooker before I started to make five scrambled egg rolls. As soon as I finished the last roll, the first one took a seat at the table, all dressed in their school uniform. I took the plate and chopsticks, then sat it in front of her as I asked, "Are you excited, Rin?"

She lowered her head as she replied sheepishly, "Not really...I'm sort of scared."

I tilted my head to one side as I repeated, "Sort of scared?" in a kind tone since I knew that her anxiety would be high, so I didn't want to make it worse. She kept her hands on her lap as she nodded her head and looked down. "Why's that?"

She said reluctantly as she kept her head down, "There's going to be people."

I put an arm around her as I said, "There's people everywhere. But hey, if you need me, I'll be there too, so there is no need to worry."

She didn't want to admit it, "I guess you're right." then picked up her chopsticks and began eating.

Rikka then took a seat next to Rin. I walked to the counter and picked up two plates and two sets of chopsticks before I brought them to the table. "How about you? Are you excited, Rikka?"

"Of course! Tamori and Otokari are in my class!" Rikka replied excitedly, almost with too much energy for how early and tired I was.

It took me a moment to remember who they were, "Oh right...I haven't looked over the classes yet, so I don't know who's in what class." I said as she began to eat as though we were late. "Slow down, there is no rush." she then began to eat slower.

I then saw out of the corner of my eye, Ryushi moping down the stairs tiredly. He then took a seat and began to eat with his eyes closed. "It's too early for this." he complained.

I crossed my arms, "Wait till you become a hero, there is no such thing as sleep...well, unless you're Aizawa and that is all you do."

"He works at UA, right?" Rikka asked.

I nodded my head, "Yeah...why?"

"What does he do? He doesn't talk much about what he does, other than complaining about students." she said before she took another bite of egg.

I smirked as I replied, "You'll find out shortly."

"No, tell me what he does." she whined.

I turned to the kitchen to start making lunch for Chi as I said, "Nope, it'll be a surprise."

She then huffed about it and before she could complain anymore, Ryushi said tiredly to Rikka, "Shut up, I'm tired and I don't want to listen to you. Bad enough I'm in your class."

"At least I have a quirk; in fact, I have-"

"Hey," I cut Rikka off, "you know damn well that we don't do that to anyone." I said over my shoulder in a stern tone before turning back to the cabbage roll that I was working on and continuing in a softened tone, "You can't say something like that during this day and age."

There was then beautiful silence while I finished making Chi's lunch. As I put the last few dishes into the sink, I felt something rub on my leg. I looked down to see that it was Melody. She looked as though he just woke up from a wonderful nap (lucky). I quickly put the cabbage spring rolls in the large bento box before I made three rice balls and put them in the box too. Once I put that in the fridge, I then took a can of cat food out of the cupboard and emptied it into Melody's bowl. I tossed the can into the recycling bin next to the trash as I watched her eat happily. A couple minutes later I got the three of them moving to the door so they could put on their shoes and shortly later we were in the car and on our way to UA.

It felt weird since I normally would go alone, but for about a week or two, they'll be with me before they have to move into a dorm. There were so many different feelings in the car. I could tell that Rini was anxious, Rikka was beyond excited, and Ryushi was sort of pissed off. I knew that Rikka and Ryushi would be just fine, but Rini on the other hand, she's more anti-social and doesn't want to be noticed. She honestly reminded me of Tamaki Amajiki if I were to compare her to someone. It's just that the poor girl has struggled for as long as she's been in school and I wish I was able to help her, but there isn't much that I can do.

When we made it to the school, Rikka was practically already at the front doors before I could put the car in park. Ryushi fell asleep while Rini looked scared. Once I got out after I got Ryu woken up, I was able to coax Rin out of the car. We all then walked in. When I was going to pass class 1-B's classroom doors, I noticed that Rin wasn't going to walk in. She looked to me as I looked to her with a warm smile, which she then opened the door and walked in reluctantly. Rikka ran into 1-A's classroom while Ryu shuffled in half awake. I continued down the hall to the teachers office as I pulled my hood up and situated both my backpack and purse on my left shoulder.

I opened the door with a sigh and walked in, closing it behind me. "You're here early, Y/N." Mic said in his usual upbeat tone.

I walked to my desk as I raised an eyebrow, "Me? Early? Literally every other teacher is here."

I was able to get a snort out of Midnight before Mic said, "Well, it's early for you."

"Is it now?" I said as I took a seat at my desk, which was next to Aizawa. I looked to him, "I take it that he's asleep?"

Both Mic and I looked to Aizawa, who was fast asleep with his forehead on his desk so his hair was lying on the desk too. "Yeah, as soon as he read that two of your kids are in the class that he's taking care of, he right away said that he was going to sleep it off and hope that it was just a bad dream." Mic said with a chuckle.

I smirked, "Well, you should be glad that you have the shy one, Rini, rather than the trouble child."

"That's right!" he said loudly with a smile, "This will be a good year!"

"Shut up!" Aizawa said in an angered tone since he was woken up. "How dare you not tell me that I have to deal with Rikka and Ryushi?" he asked as he looked to me tiredly.

I brought my hands up as I said in a quiet unsure tone, "Surprise?"

He sighed as he looked up, then back down before he said, "Just make sure that they know if they try to pull anything, I'll still expel them. It doesn't matter who they are, I will still kick them out."

I smirked, "You've been saying that ever since my class and you haven't kicked out a single person since then."

He thought about what to say, "Well, that's because everyone has been a mature and well mannered student."

I began to unpack my bag as I said with a scoff, "Whatever helps you sleep at night." He then squinted at me, which I gave a mischievous smile.

I then sat at my desk and got things ready for my day, hoping that it was going to be a smooth first day with no disturbances.

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