Chapter 2: A new start

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I woke up Monday morning to the annoying sound of my alarm clock at the early hour of five in the morning. I slapped it off and rolled over so my back was to it. I didn't want to get out of bed since it was too early and I was so tired. I was up the night before until about one in the morning, dealing with a group of criminals that have been on the loose for a couple years. I thankfully was able to end their reign of terror, but that cost me my sleep. After twenty minutes or so passed, I finally told myself that I've wasted enough time and that I should get out of bed already. I rolled over and reluctantly pulled the covers back before I kicked my legs over the side of the bed and stood up. I stretched as I turned around to see if Chikao was in bed with me; he wasn't. I then looked around the room to see that he was slumped over in his computer chair at his desk with the computer in sleep mode.

I began walking towards him as I sighed and tucked a messy strand of hair behind my right ear. Once I was next to him, I shook his right shoulder as I said in a soft tone, "Hun, wake up." and repeated that a couple times before he brought his head up from resting it on his chest. "You should head to bed; or do you want me to make breakfast for you too?" I asked in a tired and quiet tone as I kept my left hand on his shoulder.

He inhaled quickly, held it for a few seconds, then exhaled slowly as he thought about it. He then clicked the computer mouse a couple times as he shook it, waking the computer from its sleep mode.  "I should finish this files programming first?"

"When is it supposed to be done?"

He sighed, "Yesterday."

"Since when don't you finish a program?" I asked as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I mean I finished it, it's just that I wasn't sure which one would work the best, so I made five others just in case." he said as he typed in the computer's password.

I leaned in and planted a soft kiss on his cheek, "You're going to bed."

"I need to finish this first." he said as he began to click on different things.

I gently pried his hand off of the mouse as I pulled his chair back. Once he was out of reach of the computer, I turned him around so he was facing me. I put my hands out, asking silently for him to take them and stand up. "You need rest. You can't think of you don't get enough sleep, and I know you haven't for a couple days." He took my hands as he stood up and pulled me in a hug, which I tensed up since I oddly wasn't fully used to hugs yet, especially if they're out of the blue. "You look beyond tired; and plus, that thing was needed yesterday, right? Well, use those other ones that you made and see how those go. If you need a better one, make it then. Don't overwork yourself." He rested his chin on the top of my head as he grumbled about it. I pulled him from me as I pulled him to the bed, "Come on, it's time for you to hit the hay. I'm going to make you a delicious lunch that's going to be waiting for you in the fridge for when you wake up." He flopped down on the bed and pulled the covers over him and got comfy. I bent down again and kissed his cheek again, "I'll see you later; sleep well."

I then stood up as I watched him fall asleep almost instantly before I went to the small bathroom that was connected to our bedroom. I then got ready in my hero costume, which is pretty much the same as the first costume that David Shield made for me when I was about sixteen. The black punk V split dress that went down to about mid calf and a hood that covers my eyes, though I can see perfectly fine. Dark red jean-like pants with armor that covers the legs, arms and chest, along with a black mask. After I was finished putting on my costume, I curled my hair and left my hood down for the time being. I noticed that my right eye that was still red tinted was darker than usual, while the other was still it's natural color. I shrugged it off since it was probably because of the little amount of sleep that I had gotten.

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