Chapter 1

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Eli sat down on his seat, watching his fellow colleagues. They were eating dinner at some fancy annual banquet Eli had never heard of, but then again, he didn't know many in general. Eli wasn't one to strive for too much in riches.

He had been sitting in his car after the last act, humming to himself. Eli never found his fame too favorable, not that he was too famous or anything, but he had fan clubs. So there he was, sitting in the back parking lot, in his car, on a cold Friday night.

Eli had looked up at the sound of rapid tapping on his car's window, figuring it was a fan that wanted his autograph. To his surprise, it was one of the richer of Eli's colleagues, asking him if he wanted to join them for dinner at a banquet.

Eli didn't dismiss the invitation, and claimed he'd drive himself, despite his colleague's protests. So he drove to where he was told they were eating, and joined the others in the central room of the banquet, near the front by the stage where people made speeches, but across the room from the grand piano.

Eli's colleagues eventually got up and went to talk to some people, to impatient to wait for their meals they'd ordered. Eli was left alone, and despite being in front of hundreds, if not thousands, singing his heart out everyday, he found it hard to muster up the courage to approach someone and start a conversation.

'Pft, how silly.' Eli scoffed, stirring his wine in the glass with the spoon, knowing it was definitely not proper etiquette. He was probably being stared at, but honestly didn't care, despite his deep nerves at the moment.

'I should stop. I really don't like being stared at.' Eli set down the spoon, shifting anxiously. 'Now that I think about it, it is kind of stuffy in here.' He bit his lip, wrapping his arms around himself.

Eli looked around, hoping he'd recognize at least one person's face. But he didn't. So there there Eli was, alone, feeling as if the entire room was slowly crushing him.

His colleagues tapped on the shoulder, and Eli snapped out of his panic, just noticing the food in front of him. Eli picked his fork up, and began to eat. His colleagues noticed how shaky his hands were and tapped him again.

"You okay man?" One asked, one hand still in the tapping position on Eli's shoulder, the other holding on to their fork that was now hanging midair.

"Mhm." Was all Eli responded with, shoving a forkful of steak into his mouth, chewing as he tried desperately to calm himself down. His colleagues just sighed in response and kept eating.

Eli looked up at the sound of excited talking, noticing the change of energy in the air. He saw a magenta and red haired male, wearing a black suit and tie. He was carrying sheets of music.

Eli had absolutely no idea who he was, where he was from. All he knew is that this man seemed to be fairly popular among the crowd. Obviously, he was gonna play piano. 'Duh.' Eli thought to himself. 'He's walking towards the piano with sheet music.'

He was never much of a 'classical music' person. Eli was more of a  Broadway/Musical baby. But he also liked listening to the occasional classical music; he personally thought it was nice.

Eli listened to the surrounding people, trying to figure out Piano Guy's name. Unfortunately, to no avail could he make out a word. Maybe not even a fraction of a word.

Piano guy sat down, and Eli wished he could be able to tell what the look in his eyes was.  Was he scared, cold in the eyes? Smiling? Confident? Whatever he was feeling, Eli couldn't tell from across the room. 

Upon hearing the start of the song, Eli immediately knew what it was Pachelbel's Canon in D Major. He'd heard it a lot, and could specifically place when someone was even humming it. He may have heard the pianist play it backstage quite a bit-or at least attempt to- but Eli still saw it as beautiful.

He could see Piano Guy had talent, but he'd never even seen him before.  So why was it Eli just now heard him? 

When Piano Guy stood up and turned to look at the sea before him, Eli could have sworn he made eye contact with him. But they were halfway across the room from the other, so Eli doubt they did.

But still, as he went to sleep that night, Eli couldn't help but see the pretty but slightly dull and cold eyes, that belonged to someone of which he might never meet again. If he didn't look for them, that was.

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