We both agree to eat at the Aqua Shard in central London as the view is the best and also the food. Hugo insists that he is making the booking and ordering the car, he also informs me that our usual security will be accompanying us to and from the restaurant. As it is a Wednesday evening, I presume that it wouldn't be too busy and the number of fans may be smaller. I love meeting my fans and taking pictures with them; however, I still get a little overwhelmed by the amount of people surrounding me. Hugo deals with it better than I do, yet we still both find it slightly scary. I decide to wear a vintage Dior dress, it has pink sparkles running across the hem, the length is short, yet still modest. The straps are thin and barely noticeable. Hugo hasn't seen this dress before as my stylist had it pulled from a fashion show only last week for me. I leave my hair down and slightly curl the ends, my make up is natural and I apply a balm onto my lips as I know will be eating, I don't want a lipstick to come off. I decide to go for heels even though my feet are still in pain from my Met gala shoes, however heels are more fun. They also allow me to have a slight height advantage. With Hugo being 6'2 I need all the height I can get. It takes me roughly an hour to get ready, which is unusually quick. Hugo hasn't even shouted me or told me to hurry up so I take that as a good sign. Whilst looking in the mirror one more time and adjusting the positioning on my hair and attempting to smell myself discretely I take a deep breath, turn the light off and make my way downstairs.

My heels make a satisfying sound as I make my way down the marble stairs, holding onto the banister for extra support. I notice him stood at the bottom. He is wearing smart black slim trousers and a white shirt; however as usual the first few buttons are undone allowing his chain to be on show. His blazer is black to match the trousers and it sits nicely around his shoulders undone. He looks incredible. He notices me checking him out and moves closer to the stairs offering out his hand to balance me for the last few steps. "Wow, you look beautiful Mae" Hugo says whilst looking me up and down. "Like wow, you look hot" He says again with more humour in his voice as his eyes stop around the top of my dress. I lightly push his arm and roll my eyes as we both laugh. "Thank you, you clean up nicely too" I say proudly. Clearly unimpressed by my lack of compliments Hugo crosses his arms and turns away from me like a child as he pretends to be mad. "Let's just say tonight that shirt will be on the floor" I say grinning as he turns around and punches the air like a happy school boy.

The car arrives as well as our security, the driver calls Hugo to let him know that they are outside. I check all the doors and make sure all the windows are shut. Even though we live on a gated road and have security guards I still like to check that the house is secure for peace of mind. The weather is colder than I had presumed, however I still decide against a coat as I love the dress too much to cover it up. The drive is only short as there is no traffic. Once we arrive near the Shard our security leave the car first and inform us that there is a small sized crowd, with some paparazzi. I will never know how they know where we will be. Hugo posted a picture of him in suit to his Instagram, from that they might have guessed we would be in central London. Hugo then leaves the car before I do and turns to give me his hand as he helps me out the car, he also acts as a human shield if I flash my underwear as I get out of the car. We walk through the crowd hand in hand, we stop as much as we could to take pictures with the people outside that wanted them Hugo made girls cry, as he usually does for just being himself. One woman even said she would leave her husband for him which made me us both laugh. We finally make our way into the restaurant and are greeted at the door by a lovely waiter who informs us his name is Roman. He looks a little older than me yet quite handsome. He shows us to our table which is positioned near the front of the restaurant. The view is magnificent looking over the lit-up city in the night.

The night is spent eating delicious food and Hugo whispering dirty jokes across the table. At first, I would kick him under the table, yet each time he would make a joke about him wanting to sleep with me I would find it funnier and my desire for him started to grow larger. Our waiter Roman, was lovely and would check in on us frequently, I could tell he was annoying Hugo, I informed him that he was sweet and just doing his job but Hugo just shrugged it off. We are now waiting for our desert; I went for a raspberry sorbet as I was feeling full from my main course. Hugo went for a chocolate slab cake as according to him the portions were too small. "He is obsessed with you, he fancies you" Hugo says bitterly while he stares past me. I look behind me to see what he is staring at, Roman. "No he doesn't, be quiet" I laugh in response. Hugo doesn't usually get jealous, but I never really give him a reason to be. "He does I can tell, I'm a man I know what he is thinking" Hugo says seriously. "Oh, so you can read minds now, impressive" I say sarcastically. Hugo's straight face breaks into a laugh, which must be contagious as I begin to do the same. "Well how do you think I feel, everyone fancies you, I mean a woman said she would leave her husband for you" I say as I continue to laugh. Hugo runs his hands through his hair. "Well what can I say, I'm a dream" Hugo says sarcastically, with a hint of seriousness. 

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