Chapter three

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Hospitals have that one certain smell, it reminds me of somewhere but I could never lay my finger on it. Gosh why is it always freezing here? Wait maybe it's to keep the dead bodies they have in the basement from smelling. What if that's the smell? Dead bodies. That's an really unpleasant thought.

I mean I'm sure they have people die here all the time. I mean it is a hospital some people come here to die, though I wouldn't want to die here. Maybe at like a house on the beach surrounded by loved loves but then again that just sounds really depressing. Dying sounds really depressing.

I sighed swinging my feet back and forth since I'm to short to reach the floor. I waited patiently sitting in the waiting room as the doctors finished up doing a few more test before they let anyone in.

I feels as if it's been hours but in reality it's been thirty minutes, "You good?" Nate asked sitting besides me.

I nodded my head, "Yeah."

He smiled leaning farther back in his seat, "You look like you're gonna throw up."

I looked over at him frowning, "I do not."

He had both arms crossed over his chest and both eyes closed, "Now you look like an angry kitten." He replied with no emotion in his voice.

I scoffed, "Your eyes are closed so how would you even know?"

He then opened one eye looking up at me, "Yep still an angry kitten."

Groaning I sat back, could he be any more annoying right now? I mean really. Here we are waiting to see Alec after months of him being in coma and Nate is over here calling my an angry kitten or whatever that means.

"You know I'm kidding."

"What was that?" I asked asking as if I didn't hear him.

He chuckled sitting up to look at me, "I was kidding."

Shrugging my shoulders I looked away, "Must be the wind."

Nate then suddenly stood up bent down to my level and gently grabbed my face to look at him, "Now you look like an angry fish." He laughed as he squeezed my cheeks together.

Slapping his hands away I groaned, "Stop that." I commanded. He looked down at the ground slightly, blushing?

That's when a loud voice spoke up causing us all to snap our heads that way, "Is there anyone here named Sarah?" A tall man asked and from the looks of it he much be the doctor.

I raised my hand, "I'm Sarah."

"He won't stop asking about you so we're gonna have you go in there to calm him down a bit." He replied, turning around waiting for me to fallow.

I stood up quickly following him close behind, my hands were sweaty and my heart was pounding nonstop. I couldn't have been more nervous.

The doctor stopped outside of his room waiting for me to go in, "Now he might be a little weak so give him time."

Nodding my head I twisted the door knob, here goes nothing. Opening it slowly I saw Alec sitting up looking around, my stomach got that tingling feeling I feel whenever I'm around and soon his eyes landed on me.

"Sarah." He breathed out slowly.

This was it, the moment I've been waiting for. He was okay and looked alive unlike all the other times I have visited. There were a million things I wanted to say but my brain felt as if it had shut off and I couldn't pick out what.

A tear ran down my cheek as I dropped my crutches and ran to him, "Oh my god I missed you so much!" I yelled wrapping my arms around him.

"I'm so sorry Alec, I'm sorry for not giving you a chance, I'm sorry for being a bitch and I'm sorry I lied about my feelings towards you." I sobbed into his neck.

He wrapped his arms around me pulling me in tighter, "Stop. Don't be sorry for anything, I'm just glad you're okay." He sounded relieved as he gently let me go, grabbing my face.

"You look beautiful." He said wiping a tear off with his thumb.

I laughed shaking my head, "I look like a wreck."

He shrugged his shoulders, "Only a little." He smiled, showing off his perfectly white teeth.

Rolling my eyes playfully I went back in for another hug, "I missed you so much."

"I know."

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