Upon opening the icecream to see if he had eaten any, she realized that he likely ate it straight from the tub — it was almost empty, spoon markings in what was left to fit. It wasn't like Lucien wasn't human. He did the normal things almost every body else did on a regular basis. The only differences? That he was apart of Anonymous, and he was keeping her in his room. She could probably name a lot more than that.

Luciens collection of classic novels was what impressed her the most. The Great Gatsby, Wuthering Heights, Great Expectations, Emma, A Tale Of Two Cities, War and Peace. All of the books were in outstanding condition, not a speck of dust on their spines. She pulled some of them out of their places carefully to take a look, before putting them back in the exact spot it originally sat.

"I take it you're a reader, too?"

Scarlett shrieked, jumping back and dropping the copy of Pride and Prejudice on the hardwood floor.

The brunette had been so enamored with his classic novels that she didn't even realize Lucien had entered the room. How long had he been standing there like a creep, watching her touch all of his precious books? His tone didn't sound very bothered, which relieved her stress by a small fraction.

She let out a shaky breath, looking towards the man. He was still wearing his mask, which didn't surprise her. "When— when you enter a room, make yourself known. It's a bit alarming."

"Noted." Lucien walked into the kitchen, opening a couple of the cabinets. "So, are you a reader?" He asked again.

"Sometimes. I'm busy most days."

He nodded. "Have you eaten anything?"

"No." Scarlett hadn't felt hungry since the minute she had woken up here. And she hadn't thought about eating, either.

"Go take a shower while I make something for you. The bathroom is in the corner." Lucien turned around, looking her up and down. "If you look in the counter below the sink there's some clothes you can wear."

Scarletts cheeks flushed. She was still wearing that tight dress from the other day. All she could muster was a nod, and rushed to the bathroom to hop in the shower.

Without even checking for what Lucien has picked out for her to wear, she locked the door and stripped out of her clothing. Scarlett turned the shower knob all the way to the left to get it as hot as possible. She got in quickly, getting sprayed with a splash of cold water. It gradually got warmer, eventually coming to the point where it was burning her soft skin.

The Agent didn't mind the heat. It felt good to shower.

Looking around for the shampoo, the brunette spotted two new bottles in the corner. Upon closer inspection of the back of the bottles, she realized Lucien had gotten her shampoo and conditioner specifically for her curly hair. Was that a mistake, or did he actually spend the time and money on such a thing? Scarlett elected to ignore it. Pondering over whether or not Lucien spent the time looking for shampoo and conditioner for her wasn't worth it.

She popped open the lid, taking a sniff. Lavender.

Scarlett got out as quickly as possible, wrapping the towel around her body and opening the cabinet to search for clothes and her medicine. A stack of clothing sat in the corner — which all consisted of blacks and dark greys — with her ibuprofen put straight up on the top. She opened the bottle, shaking a couple of pills out and swallowing them all at once.

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