50. the last show

Start from the beginning

usertwo ━ oh look i'm crying again

userthree ━ i love u maggie

valentine ━ thank you for making this so special 🥺 so proud of u & our song she devil 😈 that's our lil baby ❤️🖤
maggielindemann ━ we did that 😭😈

diananoel ━ an icon !!

sexysadie ━ the energy that this radiates >>

vanilladingdong ━ tour lifeeeee 🤪
maggielindemann ━ my bus buddy 🥺

userfour ━ i need this outfit



                            VALENTINE sat in her dressing room with Diana and Sadie. Zane and Heath had both gone to hang out with Scott in his dressing room while they waited for him to go on stage. Maggie was due on in five minutes, which meant Val had about forty five minutes until she was expected on stage. It was the last show and she was beyond nervous.

Val hadn't put on her outfit for the show yet as she wanted to be comfortable while she tried to calm her nerves. Diana had put her music on shuffle and the song Godspeed by Frank Ocean was playing through the the room. Val was looking at her twitter feed, reading all the sweet messages her fans had sent her. It was making her emotional, but she had been crying so much in the last few days that she wanted to keep it in.

A knock at the door startled the group as they hadn't been expecting anyone. Val figured it was one of the crew coming to check something, so she stood up to answer it but Diana beat her to it.

"Who is it?" Val asked, sitting back down. Diana pulled the door open slightly and saw the last face she expect to see. Her eyes widened at the sight of David stood there. "Di?"

"It's uh- one of the lighting guys. Don't worry, I've got this," Diana smiled, pushing David back and joining him out in the hall. Val had been sat on the other side of the room so she didn't see David stood out there. "What are you doing here, David?"

"I came to see Val," David replied, not understanding why Diana had stopped him from doing that.

"I thought you were gonna wait until we got back?" She questioned, giving him a puzzled look.

"You said make a romantic gesture, and if flying across the country to apologise for being an asshole doesn't scream 'romance', then what does?" David replied, earning a quiet laugh from Diana.

"Okay, fair enough," She replied, nodding her head. "But this is the last show, are you sure you don't want to wait until it's finished before you talk? You know, in case something goes wrong?"

"I can't wait that long," David answered her, itching to go into the room and see Val. Diana hesitantly agreed, opening the door and poking her head in to see Val.

"Uh, Val?" Diana said, gaining the girl's attention. Val lifted her head to look at her friend who was peeking around the corner. "Can you come here for a second?"

Val nodded, standing up and slipping her phone into her pocket. "Is everything okay?" She asked as she reached the door. It didn't take long for her to see David stood in the hallway, with a saddened smile on his face.

✓ | VALENTINE ── David DobrikWhere stories live. Discover now