chapter 5:whats the work as butler?

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Booigi POV

in the tree

(Y/N):Hey, igi? How does you work as butler?


One day Master King boo and master Luigi had a fight

Then i put them on a different chair

Booigi:now i want you two to write what you hates

Later on

Booigi:different Answer? Just because you two had different opinions on stuff?



Booigi:Do you guys know, different opinions means nothing

Booigi:just because you're different, doesn't mean you can hate each other.. I mean a human and a Boo can be Together, so why not?

Then i left the room for them to think

(Y/N):are they peace now?

Booigi:yep, oh and the other one too

One day i saw King Luigi run out from the Mansion at night, and Raining

Then i called master king boo. And chased him.. Until he arrives at some.. Cliff

Booigi:Master Luigi?

Luigi:i can't take it anymore! I can't take when people hates me just because I'm married to a ghost

Booigi:Master.. People opinions Is just a wind.. They had no brains, you shouldn't do this.. Think what master king boo would think


Then he slips cause of Rains and fall down

But luckily master king boo, managed to get him before he hits the ground

(Y/N):is he fine now?

Booigi:well yes, but it took some while for master king boo to not kill them

(Y/N):he furious about them?

Booigi:yep they did

(Y/N):woah.. It's must be hard for you To work as Butler

Booigi:its okay (Y/N) i always handle those type of stuff

(Y/N):hey,  how about tomorrow i visit the mansion?

Booigi:well it's fine now-

(Y/N):yay..  Finally

And tomorrow the real adventures began

Booigi x Reader +King Boo X Luigi(lemon Included)Where stories live. Discover now