Chapter 3:Sudden meet

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what is this place? I remembered i saw this from afar but i never get this close


No answer

Well this place is a bit creepy


I bump with someone

???:Ah..  A human

Then that boo run away


That i chase it.. Until i finally catch up to him

(Y/N):wait,  do you remember this toy?

???:Wait? Are you (Y/N)

(Y/N):yeah.. That mean you must be-

???:you shouldn't be here (Y/N)


???:I should get you out now

Then he lift me with his magic and bring me outside the gate

???:Now go before someone saw you

(Y/N):who are you?

Booigi:i'm booigi, the butler of this place

(Y/N):so you're old?

Booigi:no I'm still 25... Forever

(Y/N):can i.. Meet you sometimes?

Booigi:In that tree right there

(Y/N):later tonight 10 PM


That's the start of love, and the start of the Real journey

Booigi x Reader +King Boo X Luigi(lemon Included)Where stories live. Discover now