I Will

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      I woke up the next morning around 7:30. For some reason I had a bubbly feeling in my chest, like something was gonna pop out and make everything turn into rainbows. I jumped out of bed and ran straight to the kitchen. Dean was cooking for once. I run up to him and gave him a hug.

      "Wow! Somebody seems happy!"

      He chuckled and patted my back. I started spinning in circles. When I was I stopped spinning was when I realized why I was so excited. I was excited because I figured out how to get Bray and my dad back.

      "Dean, I've done it! I know how to beat them at their own game!"

      "Really? How?"

      "I'll tell everyone at once."

      I decided to help Dean finish cooking. After we where done making a huge breakfast I sat at the table while Dean went to wake up Roman and Seth. A huge smile was plastered on. They all sat down at the table with me.

      Seth started the conversation, "So what's this amazing plan of yours?"

      "I'm going to join the Wyatt family!"

      Roman was next, "Whoah slow down there, that sounds a little crazy!"

      "I'm going to destroy them from the inside! Then I'll join the Shield!"

      "Kiddo, do you realize that if you join the Wyatt family your gonna have to share a hotel room with them."

      "I know Roman, but I'm willing to take that chance. If me joining them means that I could hurt them more than that's what I'll do."

      Roman and Seth didn't look to thrilled about my plan, but Dean, he had a cold look on his face. He unexpectedly grabbed my hand, a little to tight.

      "We need to go somewhere private, to talk."

      He started to walk, and I followed. When we where outside of the hotel he grabbed my hand again. He started to run and I ran with him. When we started to slow down I realized that we where next to a river. We sat down on a large rock next to the river.

      "No, you can't."

      "I can't what Dean?"

      "You can't be part of the Wyatt family. What if they try to do something to you. What if your dad kills you, I'm sorry but I can't let you."

      "Dean you have to take chances in life to get what you want."

      Dean silently spoke, "This is different Alisa, I'm not gonna let you."

      "Why is it so different Dean! Is it because I'm a girl? If it where you it would be perfectly fine, wouldn't it!"

      I started to get up, but Dean grabbed my arm and lightly pulled me back down.

      "Its different because your my sister."

      "I'm sorry Dean, but I'm still gonna."

      I stood up and started walking back to the hotel. I never expected to have a fight with any of my brothers, especially Dean.

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