Dr Thomas. M. Riddle - Witch-Consul

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Malcolm was in deep, amiable conversation with Dr Riddle when Lyra and Hermione entered the Consulate Office. Dr Riddle's dæmon - who was a large anaconda called Nagini - seemed to be funning with Asta, Malcolm's dæmon, at their feet. She was entertaining the thickset cat by seeing how far her forked tongue could shoot out from her jaws, and whether Asta's paws were quick enough to playfully swipe at it.

So far, Nagini was winning.

Dr Riddle stood to welcome the two ladies as they entered his office, pulling up chairs and pouring them mugs of steaming tea, which was an unusual blend that was grown out in the tundra and mixed with the lichen and mosses that could be found in those regions. It gave the tea an earthy, bitter sort of note, but Hermione found she quite liked the unusualness of it. The tea was exotic, made her think of things other-wordly and stirred an excitement about where they were going next on her adventure.

Then there was Dr Riddle himself, who was a fascinating specimen of a man. He had a very unusual complexion, pale for the most part but not exactly white. It was a sort of emerald green, but so pale in hue that it was only after a very close look that the colour became visible at all. But, once noticed, it could not be unseen. Hermione was enchanted by him ... how could a man get green skin? Unable to contain her curiosity - and forgetting all the propriety Lyra had warned her to observe - she simply blurted out the question during a lull in the conversation.

Lyra bristled, Malcolm shook his head in admonishment, but Dr Riddle seemed perfectly jovial and at ease.

Hermione decided she liked him very much.

"It is an excellent and very valid question," Dr Riddle began in his disclosure. "And one few seem to ask. As much as I appreciate the respect intended, I am different. To not notice such a thing would be truly ignorant of the observer. And I am very pleased to see this young lady not only perceives the world around her, but also has the courage to attempt to understand it. Where I come from, Miss, courage is a truly vaunted virtue."

Hermione blushed and beamed at Dr Riddle for his validation of her. His voice was a little scary - almost a hiss as much as speech - but his glowing words quickly made Hermione forget all that. In fact, it only stoked her curiosity more.

"So, do you mind explaining how you came to look as you do?" Hermione asked respectfully. "I would really like to know."

"It would be my pleasure," Dr Riddle hissed.

The more he spoke in this manner, the more Hermione grew used to it. She reckoned that if she listened long enough she wouldn't even hear it as a hiss anymore. It would simply be an exotic accent. That settled the last of her nerves about him. 

"You have been told, I'm sure, that I am not originally from this world?"

Hermione nodded. "Yes. Lyra, here, told me."

"I'm sure she did," Dr Riddle simpered towards Lyra, who seemed very unsure of the Witch-Consul. Pan and Asta were muttering furiously under Mal's chair and Hermione wondered what might have gotten them so animated, but she didn't have time to question it as Dr Riddle began speaking again. "Well, did she also tell you that, in my world, dæmons are in fact internal, and we don't see them at all?"

"She did," Hermione confirmed. "And I just cant imagine what that would be like. To not have my Pap close to me, to talk to, would make me very sad, I think."

"Indeed," Dr Riddle confirmed. "It is a huge advantage of this world to have such a blessing. To have one's very soul anchored and possibly even separate ... to advise and guide and assist. What a wonderful thing that is."

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