Chapter Eighty-Two.

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"I don't care what you guys do but I've gotta to do this," Jaymi said, standing up from the table as soon as the DJ began played Gangnam Style.

"It's not Gangnam Style," I joked. "It's Rylan Style."

"Are you coming?" I asked George as Jaymi dragged me up from the table.

"It's okay," he laughed. "I'll leave the dance professionals to it."

"Oh shut up," I winked jokingly before Jaymi pulled me onto the dance floor.

As the first part of the song played, me and Jaymi both made up words to it - purely because we can't speak Korean (but if we could we'd still make up words to it because that is how we roll!)

"Oppam Gangnam style!" we both sang as it got to the main part of the song.

I couldn't stop laughing as Jaymi and I attempted to do the dance - and failed miserably. As we continued to jokingly do the dance, Josh, JJ and George made their way towards us. "I see you gave up fighting the urge then," I smiled to them.

"JJ wanted to show you guys how to Gangnam style properly," Josh laughed.

"Hey! Sexy lady," Jaymi shouted, getting a little too into the song.

"Come on then, JJ," I grinned. "Show us how it's done."

"Hey! Sexy lady," Jaymi shouted again.

"Why do I even know you?" I laughed at Jaymi.

"Jaymi Style."

As Gangnam Style finished, the DJ did that cringey, stereotypical wedding DJ line - "and this one is for all you lovers out there."

"Oh dear," Jaymi sighed, face palming.

"Why Master Jaymi, may I have this dance?" Josh joked, holding out his hand for Jaymi to take hold of.

"Why of course you may, Master Joshua."

As Jaymi and Josh slow danced with each other as Enrique Iglesias' Hero began to play, JJ began to slow dance with himself - leaving me and George looking at each other awkwardly. "Fancy it?" George laughed.

"Why of course I do, Master George," I grinned, mimicking Josh and Jaymi's posh attitude.

Gently, George took hold of my hand and pulled me closer towards him. Putting my arm on his shoulder, he put his hand on my waist. As we slowly rocked back and forth, everything felt perfect. Resting my head on his chest, I looked over to mum and Michael as they also slow-danced, both grinning at me and George. I rolled my eyes when they noticed me and smiled at them. Kate and Jonathan were also dancing next to them. Everyone all seemed to be loved up apart from Josh, JJ and Jaymi as they danced in a threesome around me and George - evidently taking the mick.

"Sammy," George whispered to me.

"What?" I grinned, still resting on his chest.

"I can be your hero baby," he jokingly sang quietly - loud enough for me to hear but not loud enough for anybody else to hear.

"I can kiss away the pain," I giggled, lifting my head up from his chest to look at him.

"I will stand by you forever," he grinned as I looked at him.

"You can take my breath away," I sang jokingly.

"Do you feel really awkward?" he asked me as we continued to rock slowly together.

"Awkward?" I laughed. "Beyond awkward."

"Come with me," George smiled as he took my hand and pulled me through the crowded dance floor towards the door back to the main hotel.

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