Pet Store

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3rd POV


"oh sure"


"oh ok"

"we'll meet you inside"

"Okie Dokie! See you there"


"Love? Gundham needs us to pick up some more stuff for the Hamst- Devas again."

Kokichi called out to Rantaro, who was reading a book while Ibuki and Kazuichi sat on the floor watching tv, even though there was an empty lounge behind them. 

Gundham had a busy schedule at the rescue shelter and them both meeting up at the pet store would work better for both parties, since before they got the wrong brand of food once and Sonia was usually drowning in paperwork and royal things since she's helping rule Novoselic from overseas, she would get the food for Gundham if she wasn't so busy.

"ah. Are we meeting him there again?" Rantaro replied

"Meeting who where?" kazuichi turned around

"OOO DAD! ARE WE SEEING UNCLE GUNDHAM AGAIN??" Ibuki shot up after her brothers response, excitedly.

"Yes, we are seeing Uncle Gundham again. To the car kiddos!" Kokichi said enthusiastically, hyping up Ibuki and Kazuichi. 

During Ibuki and Kazuichi's few seconds of excited giggling, Rantaro and Kokichi looked at each other and chuckled softly under their breath, rolling their eyes before making their way to the car.

*teim skeep*

The four walk into the pet store and begin to look around. As usual, Ibuki and Kokichi go off on their own, looking at all the birds, cats, puppies and fish, overly enthusiastic and getting distracted from the main objective. Kazuichi stays with Rantaro as they walk around the shop looking for the food.

As the two were looking around, Kazuichi looks up to Rantaro and asks "Dad can we get a dog?"

"Hmm, maybe eventually. Dogs are a lot of work so we need to take care of it every day. ill be sure to think about it." 

Kazuichi nods happily, his question answered. they walk around the store a bit more, Kazuichi holding Rantaros hand as they look at each label of the variety of hamster food in that section. Kazuichi eventually points out the right food, trying to pick it up. they then hear the voices of the two troublemakers.






"Taro look"

"Dad look look"

"Taroooo we gotta ask you something"

"dddAADDD we gotta ask YOUU"

Both Kaz and Rantaro know that Ibuki and Kokichi together can probably cause armageddon, so they both stand up kind of worried and look at Kokichi, who is holding Ibuki in his arms. They're both giving Rantaro the same 'we are going to ask you something really obscure and random and I know you are going to say no but we will ask anyway' expression.

"ok ok yes?" Rantaro stands up looking at the two, smiling, but still concerned about what strange thing they will ask him today. 

After a small moment of silence, Ibuki and Kokichi blurt out in sync,

"cAn we get a mACAw?"


"... a what"

"yknow those big tropical birds? Devil and I saw some over there and we both really really want one!" Kokichi says enthusiastically, putting Ibuki down.

"pleeeaase dad??" Ibuki says, also enthusiastically.

"it's a biG biRD!" Kokichi continues

Rantaro and Kazuichi look at each other. Kazuichi looks really confused while Rantaro is just unsure how to reply. 

"... you do realise that birds poop right" kazuichi says

"oh," Ibuki says

"nevermind we don't want a macaw anymore they're too loud and they poop everywhere," Kokichi said in response

"and they're shARP" Ibuki continued "sharp things are dANgerous"

Ibuki and Kazuichi looked each other then nodded. "we are gonna look at the fish now, bye-bye!" and they walked off, leaving Rantaro and Kazuichi there in confusion. 

After they paid for the food and gave it to gundham, who paid them back, kazuichi tugged on Rantaros sleeve. "hmm?" 

"I was just wondering..."


"what *is* a caw caw?"

this is so stupid lmao sorry its short just have this

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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