Hoi Anh

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Hand in hand, they walked through the cobblestone streets, blending in with the many tourists. Sara's eyes went from the softly glowing blue lanterns, to the Cherry Blossom branches hanging over the side of a building. The air was full of different smells, food being fried at the market next to large baskets of fruit. While Nyssa obliged to her habit, memorising faces and listening to conversations in both English and Vietnamese, Sara looked at her girlfriend. In the long, flowy green dress, she looked like an ethereal creature. As beautiful and mystical as when they had first met.

Sara gently squeezed Nyssa's hand, pulling her attention away from her surroundings. "You look amazing, babe."

"Thank you, my love." Nyssa smiled and they slowed to a stop under the colourful arch. "Are you enjoying this vacation? I have put extra time in choosing the location for you." She reached out, tucking a strand of hair behind Sara's ear.

With a smile, Sara took a step closer. "You've done a great job, babe. How did you get us here without a mission?" Her fingers brushed over Nyssa's pale skin, from her bare shoulder to the nape of her neck.

Looking down, Nyssa said, "I have already done our mission here. It was simple enough. While you slept in our hotel to cancel out your jet lag, I made sure that the crime lord who was smuggling female tourists was arrested."

Sara thought for a moment, then pressed a finger under Nyssa's chin so she could look her in the eyes. "You are the best. Remind me of how long we have here?" Her lips came closer and closer to Nyssa's ear as she waited for an answer.

"Four days, my love." Nyssa's breath hitched in her throat as she stretched her neck. Easy access.

With her lips to Nyssa's ear, Sara murmured, "how would you feel about spending our first night in that air-conditioned hotel room? Let me show you how grateful I am, hmm?"

"Yes, please."

Giggling, Sara pulled Nyssa through the crowd all the way back to their hotel. As they stood in the lift, she couldn't wait anymore. Slowly, she pushed Nyssa against the cool metal, their kissing slow but deliberate. Sara pressed her bare knee between Nyssa's legs, listening for Nyssa's heartbeat to lose its controlled pace.

"My love..." Nyssa gently pushed Sara's knee down as the elevator door slid open to reveal their floor.

Sara hurried them through the corridor, swiping the key card through the lock and moving them both into the cool room. "Finally," she sighed. Without much effort, she lifted Nyssa's legs around her waist, pushing her girlfriend against the closed door.

"I see that my choice to let you sleep was the right decision," Nyssa whispered. Her leg muscles tightened around Sara's strong hips.

Kissing the pulse point behind Nyssa's ear, Sara muttered, "if you're not waking me up naked, you might as well let me sleep babe." She gently bit at Nyssa's neck and was rewarded with a rare moan. "Orange, yellow, green, or blue tonight?" She pulled her head back and looked into Nyssa's dark pupils.

They had a simple system of preferences, making sure they would never do anything the other wasn't comfortable with or didn't want. In addition to that, no did mean no in their relationship. Sara had set that last rule, while Nyssa developed their colour system. As they progressed, Nyssa learnt that Sara liked to be a little rough. Rough sex did not go well with open wounds and sore muscles, so she simply set a scale. Orang would mean Sara could have her any way she wanted. Green would mean she had to be gentle. When one of them did not want anything that night, they would pick blue, and that would be it.

"Orange, my love. I have kept myself safe." As soon as the words left her lips, Sara kissed her hungrily. Her hands shoved Nyssa's dress up, out of the way, her fingers spread out to touch as much of Nyssa as possible.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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