Have Iida be nervous at the news people coming in, nervous to take action. Midoriya then sighs and asks Uraraka to make him float, using the wall to push off to get where Iida was before, telling them that everything is okay.

Nezu threatens them with expulsion, saying that they wouldn't get very far if UA expelled them. (After alarm thingy)

Have Nomu be the results of an experiment where they tried to obtain the Demi's stored power. Mixing a demi with a regular person to see if they could used the power afterwards. However it failed, still being strong but not the stored power and ended up being basically brain dead.

Have info about Demi's being in 1-A be released after attack on usj

"However you have to promise to not lose control, I cannot give my power to someone let's their emotions take over, that not only causes harm to yourself but to others around you." "I promise."
Have midoriya almost die when he gets all mights quirk (after fighting tourney), it not mixing with his own at first, tearing him up inside and out. Things being floated around him and then stopping, him and the objects frozen in time. Light bursting out from him, orange, blue and green, and then getting sucked back in creating a mini explosion. Now he can control his inner power and have them upgraded along with all might's quirk. Healing faster, hearing better, etc. "Try them out kid!" Hearing too well, needs head phones.

Mina starts panting during the walking thing at the camp and goes into a panic attack from the dark.

"I'm sorry All Might, I don't think I can keep my promise, I need this power to save him"
Shinso gets caught at training camp which causes him to release his power, and almost loses control (emotionally) if Shinso didn't call out to him. Have him get captured instead.

       "Perhaps I should make you like the animal you are, after all animals can't talk back."(cut off tongue but grows back Bc of the combining of all might's quirk. Normal wounds heal much faster -Nomu speed- lost appendages regrowth takes a lot longer.

Daddy spark (shark- Kaminari)

Todoroki doesn't like midoriya at first, he was abused by his father for being weak and he was born with all the power he could ever want from birth. However Midoriya sees it as more of a curse. Have him say at the sports festival that just like he doesn't use the power/doesn't want his dads power, midoriya wishes that he wasn't a demi but he can't understand, the power is his own and not his fathers. To not let something that is his own go to waste and to use HIS full potential, something that he couldn't do because it was his own power itself that people hated/feared

Bring in class 1-b (Demis) in as a special guest. Since they were on the news, more came out of the shadows and wanted to join UA's course that accepted people like them.

"I can fight against anything and win but that, that is something that beats me every time." He said pointing at the bag of cool ranch Doritos "Damnit I don't know if I should thank you or curse you!"

Nervous to ask a person out so they are reading a dictionary, "what are you looking up, rejection?"

All around me- Flyleaf for details

Sports festival, then looking up in the stands, the looks they get, some fear, other disgust, and some just pure curiosity. For the first time in history, demi humans were given the same playing field as the rest of the humans around them. Demi humans from snake lady get flashbacks from their cage days, looking at them like prizes or pets.

"Can I call you raka?" "Call me what?" "Raka, it sounds interesting, like a bird call or some weird background sounds. Rakaka RakaKAka kurkekaka" he said, each one continuing to get worse. "What the hell you on about sparky, going into some type of electric shock?" "Come on! It sounds cool! Rakakaka! Rakaka! Ra-" and with that Bakugo chopped his head, shutting him up. "Bakugo! You should never hit another classmate like that! And Kaminari, stop making fun of Uraraka's name, it's rude." He said, hands chopping the air wildly.

After school- Logs over ravine, water trickling through. Sun coming in, streaming through the canopy above. Shinso trips over root and falls, kneecap smashing into a hidden boulder. "FUCKEN HELL!" "Pfft HAHAHA Toshi how?!" "Just shut up!" He said standing up, hand over his face hiding his blush of embarrassment. As he stood up, blood from his leg flowed down, his knee starting to puff up. The throbbing of his knee matched the beat of his heart, pain increasing with each beat.

He sets Shinso back on the ground for some reason. Then he looks at him or Shinso says something and midoriya reaches for him, pulls him in and kisses him. Shinso then smiles and Midoriya is shocked that he did that and starts to run away embarrassed like. "Hey! Can't walk remember! Are you just gonna leave me here?" 'I swear that sometimes, he's still like a little kid, he probably had to store that side of him away. Never being able to grow up normally and was rather shoved into it. Inside is still that scared boy, a boy who still has nightmares of the night his parents were taken, the boy who had to hide everything of who he was away because people who kill him for just being who he was.' "Ah Im so sorry I just, well I, um." Shinso just laughed and pulled in the nervous boy into a hug. "Don't worry, I liked it, may I be the one to take another?"

Shindeku on a date at a restaurant and Ojiro comes in and invisible girl comes in. Double date thing goes on, invisible girl is eating and Shinso can't help but look in surprise as the food just suddenly disappears, probably because she's ate it. Midoriya nudges shinso giving him a 'that's rude' look.

His mother can send visions when she releases her power, so have it be that he goes to find her already dead outside the wall. While his visions increase, more details are brought to his attention, seeing the immense danger they are in. So he pleads to have someone help him cross the wall and Aizawa helps him get past the patrols on the wall. Midoriya then finds their bodies strune apart, and collapses. He reaches out to grab her hand, to say his goodbyes and another vision shows, to the box that his father had, it's hiding place and that he should keep it safe and to not let it get in the hands in all for one, then he sees her get attacked. With her last dying breath, she tells him that she loves him and always will. To never let go of his dreams and to make her proud and be the greatest hero.

Gets a vision in the middle of the sports festival. That's how Todoroki wins.

Inside the box is a stone like in super zero, that it wasn't just a random thing that made people get super powers.

Doctor frost ep 89 for memory loss

he goes to the sports festival and right after goes for his parents, finds them laying there dying, flash back from dream before. Gets directions for the location of the box and parents tell him what it is and then die. People chasing them find them and start going after them after seeing they have the box. Something happens and midoriya damages his hippocampus and loses his memory of his parents entirely, only remembering the hum of a tune they used to sing. He then constantly hums it, trying to recall its origins and where heard it from. Lose his sense of direction, his motivation, have him not try to help others and stay inside himself, not wanting to talk to others. Then get nightmares, flashes of blood in his dreams, wakes up yelling. Have Bakugo remind him of his parents.

Him standing on top of the wall, wind blowing against him, threatening to push him off. Looking at the unknown and foreign land to him

Damnit problem child, stop making me worry about you." When he goes to the wall on the other side he and Aizawa are there, he sees all the bones and skeletons of all the demi humans and starts panicking, Aizawa helps him calm down.

During breaks in fighting, all might asks midoriya if he can meet with him to talk to him about something and Todoroki overhears and checks it out, getting to the "are you All Might's secret love child" expect asking what kind of relation he had with him bc he's the one his dads always telling him to beat.

Kizuato, the Vigilante (discontinued)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें