Goodnight Golden Eyes

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Ganondorf awoke in a daze, he heard a soft groan nearby. Shakily, he moved his head up to see a someone on the ground. He mumbled a small garudo curse under his breath lifted himself to his feet. He walked over to the fallen stranger who was now rubbing their head in order to sooth themselves. He coughed into his hand, purposely, to get the attention of the stranger.

Said stranger gasped and looked up until their eyes met with ganondorfs already towering figure, letting Ganondorf see that it was actually a young lady. She had soft eyes that matched well with her slightly dirty skin. Her hair was a mess, the strands went every which way, clearly rearranged by her fall.

She stood up quickly and gave a sheepish smile whilst rubbing her neck, small awkward blush crept up her neck and onto her nose and cheeks.

"Sorry about that. I didn't see you there." She apologized scincerely. Ganondorf rolled his eyes.

"I could've hurt you." He coldly stated walking back to his tent.

"Wait, you're Gerudo!" She stood up one the log that propped up his tent to match his height.

"Is there a problem?" He growled defensively, eyes glaring at the young girl before him.

She held him by the cheeks, inspecting his face too close for comfort. Just as he was about to pill away she spoke,

"I've never seen a Gerudo before, I thought they were all women." She explained in slight awe.

'And theives, now let me go, make your remarks before I-' "Your eyes are gorgeous." The sudden compliment interrupted Ganondorfs thoughts. His eyes were the same as every other Gerudo, much duller actually, not exactly 'gorgeous' as she had put it.

He pulled his face our of her grip and past her to his tent.

"So what is a Gerudo doing out here near the kingdom?" She jumped down from the log.

"That is none of your concern." He blandly stated.

"Well what's your name?"

'So many questions.' He grumbled to himself. "I do not need to inform a stranger of anything." He growled at her.

"My apologies." She said running in front of him performing a poor excuse of a curtsy with the clothes she had. Formally introducing herself had Ganondorf repeating the odd name in his head. It was smooth to say, just... odd.

"I do not care." He responded despite already memorizing it.

"Well I do. So, what's your name?" He huffed in annoyance, she would not stop anytime soon.

"Ganondorf." She to repeated his name, but out loud. First time she replaced the 'G' with a 'J', but quickly corrected herself. It too seemed to come out of her voice smoothly, not jaded like the witch sisters.

"Begone." He threatened crawling into his tent. She respected the privacy of his tent, but did not leave.

"Do you live in a tent all the time?" He quickly crawled out and poked his head through the fabric, looking up her now that he was sitting, Still with a frown that told her to back off. She gave him a nervous smile and took a few steps back apologising.

"I have no want now need for a complete stranger, one that just so happen to make me unconscious, to be pestering me. Now, woman, begone." Before he retreated back into the tent he felt a drop of water hit his head. He looked up, the sudden presence of the girl when he awoke made him oblivious to the grey clouds that began forming up above.

A few more drops, then a few more, and the once sunny day was pouring wet. He gave one last look at the girl, her unnamused face and clothes clinging to her body.

The tents tightly woven fabric and placement under a tree gave more refuge from the rain, so Ganondorf retreated under. But the girl was still standing outside with winds like howling dogs. His time with the witch sisters told him he should not be so merciful as to extend his private tent to others even in need, but his time with the Tarorsun told him he should be a gentlemen.

He relented and kept the fabric covering his tent open. She saw the opening and crouched down to see if he was truly letting her in and it wasn't the wind. She smiled gratefully and crawled in, past him and to the further side of the tent. Ganondorf then closed the flaps and tied them shut. She sat crossed leg across from him and gave him a grateful smile, but remained quiet. She remained that way until the silence got to Ganondorf and he spoke up.

"So now that I've actually invited you inside you're not going to say anything?" He huffed annoyed. She looked up to him innocently but ashamed.

"My apologies. It's just that I didn't know I was annoying you that much, I thought you looked lonely. But since you kindly let me in I figured I should just stay quiet." She had a point.

"Well then let me ask the questions. What were you doing in the woods alone?" She fidgeted a bit eventually answered.

"I was looking for medicinal herbs." Ganondorf raised an eyebrow, cleary wanting a more lengthy explanation.

"I got injured recently and ran out of medicine, so I needed to find more ingredients to make more." She started pulling up her clothing, Ganondorf shrunk back slightly but stilled once she stopped and pointed out the two bite marks on her leg. Human bite marks. He leaned in to better see the injury.

"I was outside at night when I got attacked by a skeleton."

"What were you doing put at night?"

"Catching fireflies." She sheepishly explained. He shook his head in annoyance. "May I ask a question? What are you doing here?"

"Pardon?" Ganondorf asked close to being offended.

"It's just, I thought the Gerudos and Hylians didn't get along. I've heard stories about a war before, and every since the relationship between the two have been strained at best." Ganondorf rembered as well, stories told to him as a child about his people's fight against the kingdom. The reason he was being sent to take over Hyrule.

"Is it true?" Snapping out of his plans he looked up at her,


She nodded and laid her head against the fabric of the tent. The rain had died down, but he didn't think she was going to leave. He didn't really want her to get hurt either.

"I'm sorry. It must be hard in the desert." Ganondorf simply shrugged. It was, but not unbearable. The only thing he wanted without was the constant pressure by the witch sisters. The dark grey clouds only let out the night sky, the tent also darkening, the two occupants dozing off. The girl let her eyes wonder to Ganondorfs face again.

"You're eyes are really pretty." She said one last time before curling up. Ganondorf felt his cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

'Sav'orr' He whispered.

Ganondorf X Reader (REWRITE)Where stories live. Discover now