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-Vic POV-

"You ready Quinn?" Kellin's dad asked as he signed his release papers.

"Yea just give me a sec, I wanna say bye." He smiled at me. His dad nodded and left the room.

"I'll miss you." I said hugging him as tight as I could.

"Hey you'll be out in no time I promise and when you are I'll be here to pick you up." He smiled leaning in for a kiss which I so kindly returned.

"You're going to be fine right? Joey isn't going to make you come back here is he?" I asked holding him close to me.

"My parents got me concealing and I'm taking medication that might be better." I felt him smile in my hair and kiss my head. "Don't worry about me, focus on getting yourself better. Please." He pleaded. I nodded and smiled. "Okay Miss Kendall, I know I just met you but I'm trusting you to watch my boyfriend please." he smiled and hugged her.

"You got it Kells. It was nice meeting you and I hope all three of us can hang out when we get out." She smiled.

"Okay go before I cry. Shoo." I smacked his butt and pushed him out the door.

"Watch the hands grabby." He stuck his tongue out at me and I did the same. "Hey Vic, guess what." he smiled and stood close to me again.


"I love you." before I could respond he kissed me. I smiled into the kiss because I did the same thing to him yesterday.

"I love you too." I said as I pulled away. "I'll see you later?"

"I'll visit. Bye." He waved and left out the door.

"Bye." I whispered. "Okay I have to go before I'm late. Um I'll see you after." I turned to Kendall.

"Okay normal place." she said and I left with a nod. "Hey Dr. Macy sorry I'm late." I smiled as I walked in to the open office.

"No you're fine, I know you where saying goodbye to Kellin." he smiled as I sat down.

"Where should we start?" I asked not really knowing what to say at these things.

"How about at the beginning." he said I nodded and told him my story.

"When I was 11 I had an asthma attack at school and my mom and dad had to come and get me from the hospital, but as the time went on Mike was sitting by my bed and we saw our dad being pushed past us." The memories flickered in my head like a move being played out.

-Flash back- *strong trigger ahead.. You've been warned*

"We're loosing him!" I heard one of the nurses yell as we heard foot steps getting closer. They wheeled the cart past my room and that's when I saw him.

"Dad?" Mike questioned only to realize it was him, our dad. "Dad!" He yelled and ran to the door.

"Mike come back here!" I yelled getting up from my spot.

"No, that was Dad Vic! He's hurt!" He yelled and ran down the hall.

"Michael!" I yelled and ran after him. My lungs hurt but I still ran to catch up with him. When I finally did he was stopped in front of a room watching. I tried to catch my breath but it felt like someone was choking me. I watched as the doctors and nurses pushed on my dad's chest to keep him alive. The beeping noses on the heart monitor was slowing down even more.

"We're loosing him!" I heard the same nurse yell again. Then the monitor was one long monotone beep.

"Time of death 4:15PM" the doctor said as he put a blanket over my dads head.

"No! Dad!" Mike yelled as he fell to the floor. I followed his actions and wrapped my arms around him.

"W-Where's our mom? W-What happened?" I stuttered holding in tears for Mikes sake.

"There was a really bad accident and you're parents where hurt. The EMT said that she died on her way here." he said softly. Mike cried harder knowing that we where alone. We where put into the system by the hospital and that's the last time I saw my parents.

Fast forward to a few weeks later at the Way's to the first time I cut. I was going through a box to find some ribbon when I saw something shiny. I picked it up and saw it was a Xacto knife. I studied it and kept thinking what it would feel like if it ran across my skin. It probably wouldn't hurt me, nothing hurt me anymore. I took the object and ever so carefully ran it across my skin not to hard but hard enough to make it beed.

The feeling I got when I did it was nothing like pain at all. It was a feeling of release and warmth and I loved it. I was truly alive. After a while one turned in to 10 and 10 in to 25 and 25 until I couldn't count anymore, that was my way out. I've been cutting for 5 years and they only found out when Mike found me bleeding on the floor 3 months ago.

-end of flats back-"

I finished my story and watched as he wrote something down on a piece of paper.

"If I could go back in time I wouldn't change anything." He stopped writing and looked at my over his glasses.

"Why do you say that?" He asked putting his pen down and giving me his full attention.

"Because I would have never met Kellin." I smiled.


A/N: All good things must come to an end... Okay guys so I decided I'm not going to do a sequel but I will be doing an epilogue. I hope you guys liked the story because I know I liked writing it! Thank you for the votes and thank you again Kendall (Batmandythings) for the cover photo! Okay guys epilogue should be up tomorrow! Love you! Happy Holidays!


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