Queen of England- 1

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"What I'm saying is, she might not be as bad as we thought," James tells Padfoot as they stand in the corner, try to avoid the loud noises in the dorm.

"Don't let Moony hear you,"

He says, a smirk on his face from remembering what a show James had made, when Remus had told the same thing in the Hogwarts Express.

"Yeah, James, don't let Moony hear you," a hoarse voice says from behind Sirius.

James looks down to his feet seeing Remus stare at him with his arms crossed over his chest.

He shrugs and tells Moony "I'm not saying I like her, I just think it was cool for her to stand up for Robin,"

"Really,"  Remus asks again, finding pleasure as James draws a map of Hogwarts on the floor with his feet.

"I don't like Lily, I'm just saying she...." he mutters senselessly.

"She?" Sirius asks pointedly as Prongs tries to escape from the clutches of his best friends.

"She has an attractive personality!" He snaps annoyed, walking away from Moony and Padfoot. Who according to him was acting like the biggest prats in the world at the moment.

"Who has an attractive personality?" Robin asks breaking away from a pack of girls.

James shrugs not saying anything, as saying anything to Robin meant saying it to Lily as well.

"Evans does!" Sirius shouts making James turn as red as a beacon, embarrassed.

Lily walks toward the group of boys and asks Sirius
"You think I have an attractive personality, Black?"

Sirius snorts and tells her
"Don't flatter yourself, James thinks so."

Lily shrugs feeling a bit taken aback that a bullying toe rag like  James Potter would think anything about her.

She turns around and asks with a raised eyebrow "Is that true Potter?"

"I'm going to sleep!" James announces stomping his way to the four-walled bedroom hard enough to wake Filch up.
"Prongs," Remus say stealing another glance at his battered old watch as they wait for Severus to walk past them.

"Shh, Moony," James hisses slamming his hand on Remus's mouth.

The bell had rung for their first Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson of the year, but the marauders were still waiting three fleets of stairs below the classroom to trick Snape.

"Yeah, the new teacher doesn't even know us," Sirius tells him bracingly.

Remus nods, telling himself that five more minutes might not be harmful, but as Snape refuses to appear even later, he finally snaps.

"This is it, you're all coming with me!" James and Sirius scowl at first but then submit seeing the dangerous look on his face.

James grins standing next to the open door of the Defence against the dark arts classroom, the rest of the marauders lingering around him.

He shrugs as a stout woman, wearing a horribly pink cardigan walks toward them and smiles back.

None of them except Remus knew the name of the new professor as they were busy doing more important things when Dumbledore introduced her.

"Mr Potter?" She asks her voice sugary, he nods.

"My class started ten minutes ago, you all are late." She says with an edge to the last word.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2020 ⏰

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