No more hiding

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"Jeff? Fuck it. I'm done with this shit." Blake paced her room as she whispered down the phone, trying not to be heard by her farther. "I'm done with the hiding. Ok? I'm done." There was silence on the other end of the line before Jeff spoke up a few seconds later; "I'm confused, Blake. Are you saying we don't see each other or-" "No!" Blake cried then quickly hushed her voice, "I'm saying- Jeff, will you be my boyfriend?" She heard Jeff' sharp intake of breath and his heart skipped a beat. Suddenly, laughter bubbled out of his soulmate's mouth; "Yes! Yes, Blake! Oh my God, yes!" Blake found herself laughing too, grinning with euphoria. She's  finally done it - finally worked up the courage to actually make it official, make them official. Jeffery Nero Hardy was finally her boyfriend. "Blake, I hate to be a killjoy but what about your dad? Isn't he the reason why you wanted to keep us a secret?" Jeff spoke up, shattering the moment. "Fuck my dad," She muttered, "If things go sour I can always stay with Sasha and I have friends and family to protect me. I'll be fine." "You're sure?" Blake nodded before remembering her boyfriend couldn't see him, "100%" "Good. So what do you think about a date?" "When?" "I don't know," Jeff admitted, "but I do know that I want you with me right now so get your Assbutt over here." "Assbutt?" "I couldn't decide which word to go with ass or butt so i went with both." Blake chuckled, "You're adorable Hardy." "So, my place in ten minutes?" "You bet." With that, they hung up and Blake was alone in her room again. She sprung into action seconds later, changing her clothes, neatening her messy hair. Then she leaped down the stairs  and straight into her dad. 

 "Blake, what're you up to?" "I, uh, I was actually just about to go out," Blake admitted, instantly standing straighter on the last step. There were barely five paces between her and the front door. "Where?" Rick Flair gazed at his daughter suspiciously, anger starting to flicker in his eyes. "My friend Jeff's house." " What time will you be back?" Blake barely managed to conceal her shock at her father's reaction. "Maybe around 11, I'm not too sure." "Be back before 10," Rick ordered, "Aim for 9:30. If you're back after 10, you'll be locked out the house all night, you hear me?" "Yes, sir." Shit. That only gave her three and a half hours with Jeff. She stepped around her father who nodded at her before continuing up the stairs. Blake waited until he was gone before she bolted out the door, fishing for her car keys in her  pocket, and threw herself into the Impala. 

The car engine roared into life and he was speeding down the road in a matter of seconds. She turned on some music and it blared out of the old speakers, halfway through a song that someone had been listening to before her probably her dad. Blake had definitely inherited her music taste from Rick. In fact, some days she felt like she'd inherited too much from her father Some days she felt like she was basically a younger version of him and that scared her to death. She ground her teeth in frustration at the thought and focused on the music instead (Another life by motionless in white) . A few minutes later, she pulled up in front of the Hardy compound.

 She had barely drove up to Jeff's house when the front door flew open and Jeff rushed down the drive. Blake chuckled as she got out of the car and her soulmate stopped right in front of her , breathless despite only running a short distance. "Does this mean I can hold your hand in public?" Jeff blurted. "Yeah, it does." Jeff  grabbed both her hands. "How about kiss you in public?" "Sure-" Jeff cut her off as he kissed her, his hands slipped from Blake's  and slid up her arms and shoulders until he was cupping his soulmate's face in his hands. "Jeff, it might not be a good idea to fuck her in public!" Matt yelled from as he was walking towards Jeff's house, causing Jeff to break away from Blake and roll his eyes. "When will you house be finished!" There farther came into view behind the oldest Hardy and Blake waved to him. Matt ducked under his father's arm as he waved back and darted out of sight. "Come on inside em Dad are you coming in or going home?" Jeff called as he rolled his eyes at his older brother behaviour. Jeff grasped Blake's hand again and led her into the house. "So," there Dad began, grinning as the pair reached him, "I finally get to meet my son's soulmate." "Dad, this is Blake. Blake , this is my dad," Jeff introduced them, happiness radiating from his face. "Great to meet you, Blake," Jeff's ' father smiled. "Good to meet you too, sir." "Sir?" There Dad laughed, "Oh me, that's funny. We're friends, aren't we? Call me Gilbert ." "Yeah, sorry. You know, just used to addressing my em never mind," Blake shook her head. she could feel pity flowing from Jeff eyes, who guessed what she was going to say, and confusion from Gilbert, both of which she chose to ignore. "Well, you two go have fun," Gilbert said with forced enthusiasm before winking at them, "And remember to use a condom. Or two I'm going to go home I think bye boy's " "Dad!" Jeff shook his head but Blake noticed the flicker of amusement that tugged at his lips. With that, Jeff and Matt yelled a goodbye to there dad before Jeff dragged her up the stairs.

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