who is it??

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Blake's phone had twenty notification all where missed calls from Reby. It was 11pm and she still hadn't returned home, instead she was curled up on Jeff's bed with the men himself, watching him play some gory videogame - and she wasn't planning on leaving anytime soon. She turned her phone off and chucked it on the bedside table, making Jeff jump at the loud noise.  "Shit, Blake!" he cried, panting, "Don't make me jump, I'm in some scary fucking hunted house, trying to kill these weird demon zombies things, I'm kind of on edge because of that and loud noises really don't help."  "I know what will help though," Blake mumbled, gently grasping Jeff's chin and moving her head so that she was looking directly into the his beautiful Hazel eyes.   "What?" Jeff breathed. His voice was barely a whisper. "This," his soulmate mumbled before gently kissing his chapped lips.  They'd been passionately making out when they'd had pancakes earlier, but as soon as his family had arrived home, their  session of kissing {and maybe going a little bit further too. Ok, I mean a lot further had been abruptly put to a stop} Or, specifically, it had been halted when Matt walked into the kitchen as he had just got back from his match. 

 Screams came from the PS4 and the screen went black, notifying Jeff that his character had died, but he didn't divert his attention from his soulmate who lay beneath him, moaning into the kisses, for a second. Blake flipped them over, making the Ps4 controller slide off the Grey duvet and onto the wooden floor with a crash, but again neither noticed, and Jeff was too busy pulling Blake's shirt off to care. The rest of her clothes soon followed along with Jeff's own T-shirt and jeans.  "How long have we even known each other?" He asked suddenly as Blake was trailing kisses down his neck. Blake shrugged - she wasn't really bothered at that point in time, she just wanted Jeff.  "It hasn't been that long has it?" Jeff continued, "Only like a few weeks or so? Although I guess it depends if you count those few weeks when you weren't all that keen on me because I'm a Hardy Boy an-"  "Jeff, let's not talk about that," she mumbled, "And just to be clear, I didn't not like you because you're a Hardy  boy, I only disliked some of the consequences of my soulmate being a Hardy boy."  "Consequences?"  "I don't want to talk about it."  They were quiet again, apart from their moans and heavy breathing However Jeff soon spoke up again, making Blake roar with laughter at what he said. She shook so hard, she  fell onto the floor.  "What?" Jeff mumbled, blushing, "I only said-"  "Jeff, you fucking nerd," she spluttered, "You just said we're like Romeo and Juliet! You can't expect me not to laugh! Where the Hell did that come from anyway?"  "Well, they weren't together long before you know, um-" he blushed.  "DYING?"  "No!"  "Fucking?," Blake smirked.  "Yeah, and we haven't been together long either... I don't even know."  A grin spread across his face and he started laughing along with her, who climbed back on the bed, back to kissing Jeff between bursts of laughter.  "I think you're definitely Juliet in this relationship," Jeff smirked.  "Fuck off," She chuckled before pouting playfully, "I don't want you to die before me. and I AM NOT A BOTTOM"  "But I don't want you to die before me. After all, you bottom in this relationship."  "Shut up," Blake mumbled, a huge grin making her face ache. Jeff flipped them over again, straddling his soulmate.  "You like it though," he whispered, making her moan slightly.  Suddenly, the bedroom door flew open and Matt strode in shirtless; "Jeffy! You promised you'd draw- OH MY GOOD LORD! NOT AGAIN!"  He spun on his heel and sprinted out the room, only to collide with one of one of their friend Shannon.  "What is it? What's happening?" Shannon asked as he rushed in to the room, only to shriek and rush out again, pulling the Matt  along with him.  Both men were bright red as the door slammed shut.

 Blake shifted uncomfortable beneath Jeff.  "Well, that was definitely a huge boner killer." Jeff muttered.  "Yeah," his soulmate agreed, "I feel really weird now. That's twice Matt has walked in on us doing it."  "I should probably go home anyway," Blake admitted, causing Jeff's eyes to widen in distress.  "B-but didn't all those bruises happen at home?" he asked. He didn't want Blake to be hurt. He had no clue what he'd do if more of those ugly, garish marks appeared again - just that there was no way he wouldn't end up a sobbing mess at the sight of his soulmate being so badly injured.  Blake nodded in response" N-n em not all of them I did have a fight the other day" she said but her voice was barley a whisper, a deep sadness visible in her eyes, but it was quickly gone and replaced by a feral rage that even made Jeff feel a bit nervous.  "I can't hide from him, Jeff- I've got to face him. I can't make him think I'm weak. He'll hurt me even more if he thinks that and especially if he finds out about you."  "Who? Please tell me, Blake, is it a another wrestler or is it Reby or" he was cut off by Blake as he begged, sliding down in the bed next to his soulmate.  Blake refused to meet his gaze as she muttered the next few words:  "My Dad." 

 When Blake returned home that night, Rick Flair beat her until she lay nearly unconscious on the fluffy pink living room rug. Her mother and Reby were upstairs but she wasn't sure whether they were too scared to help her or they just didn't care. They probably didn't give a shit, she started to think to herself . After all, she was just a useless waste of a life. Just like her father had told her as his fist connected with Blake's stomach for the first time that night. Nobody would ever love him. Even Jeff, who seemed like the most loving, caring soulmate in the world, was probably just lying to hurt her that's just what people do to her. How could he ever love someone so pathetic anyway?   Blake loved Cas though. As she lay there, staring at her father's feet as he loomed over her,  a little bit of blood around them, she realised she'd never loved anyone as much as she loved Jeff. She knew she'd never deserve someone as beautiful as him - she would just hurt him somehow, after all, violence was in her genes and her nature and if her father was anything to go by. No, she could never deserve Cas. If she truly loved him, the best thing she could do was to leave him alone - to try and forget about him - so she'd never hurt his stunningly gorgeous soulmate if she ended up taking after Rick.  Yes, if She truly loved Him, the only thing she could do to ensure the safety of her soulmate and that is to stay away from him.

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