The coffee shop part 1

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The rush to the match this morning was probably the fastest Jeff and Matt had ever gotten to a match before. Matt asked Jeff way his so excited to get the match over and done with. "This morning I had a conversation with my soulmate, Blake, and we arranged a date on Friday at 5 o'clock."  "That's awesome!" Matt squealed, "I'm so happy for you! I can't wait to meet her, I'm sure She'll be great-"  "Meet who?" a girl asked, interrupting Matt. She had blond hair tied up in a bun with some of her fringe left loose.  "Piss off, Trish!" Matt muttered, earning a glare from the other girl.  "My soulmate, Blake!" Jeff smiled in reply to Trish. Matt buried his head in his hands as if Jeff had just done the most stupid thing in the world.  Trish scrunched up her nose, "But I still like you Jeff, I could be better then your soulmate and Beth." His good mood gone in seconds, Jeff glared at her.  "Fuck off, Trish," Matt spat.

*Matt and Jeff in the ring with Edge and Christian*

Matt headed to the entrance ramp. "Ready Bro?" Matt asked. "Hell Yeah lets go win this shit!!" Jeff said. The match was so brutal, Matt tried to do a moonsault on Edge but he caught Matt and slammed him in too the barrier between the ring and the crowd. Finally when matt got up he was able to hit Christian with a bulldog onto a steel chair only to turn around and get a super-kick from Edge; The hardy boyz ended up losing the match with Edge pinning Matt after hitting his Pedigree on him. Jeff got up feeling light headed and very sore, he helped Matt up and they both went backstage; once backstage Matt left to take a shower and Jeff left to get a drink.

"Hey, Sasha," Blake greeted her friend as she walked into the locker room, "How you doing today?"  "Same old," Sasha mumbled as she looks through her bag, "You good?"  "Yeah, I'm great!" Blake grinned, "well I wrote to my soulmate just like you said I should." Sasha looked up from her bag, "And? What happened? Give me the details, girl!"  "We're meeting at The Little Coffee Shop on Friday."  "he lives in Cameron?" Sasha asked in disbelief.  "Yep," Blake nodded, "They could be a em Hardy though, I don't know yet."  "A HARDY BOY!?" she asked, eyes wide in shock.  "Yes as his name is Jeffery," Blake mumbled.  "That's great," Sasha looked worried, "But does your father know?" Blake shook her head and began to put on her outfit for todays match with The Iiconices.  "I don't mean to worry you," Sasha said, coming over to her and putting her tanned arm around Blakes shoulders, "your dad is not going to be pleased if your soulmate is a Hardy boy!"  "I know," Blake nodded, not looking Sasha in the eye, "I'm not sure what I'll do if he is Jeff hardy."  "You'll go up to your father with your arm around that boy and be proud of who your soulmate is and then you'll deal with the consequences," Sasha told her, "And if things go badly, you can always stay with me, and my husband."  "Thanks, Sasha," Blake managed a small smile before removing her arm from her shoulders and heading over to a the locker to put her bag in it. They lost the match

  It was finally Friday and Blake sat in front of her wardrobe, sorting through her clothes and covering the buries that cover her eye from her soulmate. So far she'd tried on around seven outfits and she still couldn't decide what to wear. She had to look the best she'd ever looked because, after all, this was her soulmate. Her soulmate. As in the love of her life. Suddenly, there was a knock on her bedroom door.  "Come in!" Blake yelled, it was her one of her best friend and adopted sister, Reby.  "Hey, Blake," Reby grinned as she observed the state of her sister's wardrobe, "Was there a bomb hidden in your closet or something?"  "No, it's just me hiding in the closet," Blake muttered, tugging another tank top shirt out of the mess around her. Reby's expression turned serious and she walked over to Blake, "Look, wither there Jeff Hardy or Jeff dickface their is, they're going to be awesome, OK? It doesn't matter what dad thinks. If they're a Hardy boy and dad acts all Rude and shit, we'll sort something out. Don't worry. You'll still have me and Sasha whatever happens."  "Thanks, Reby," Blake attempted to smile to hide her anxiety, "Sasha said if it's really bad, I can go stay with her." Reby nodded and was about to say something before Blake interrupted her; "Hey, why are you wearing a hoodie in such warm weather?"  "Because my soulmate is an asshole," Reby replied, sounding very fed up. Blake chuckled, "oh come on it cant be that bad Let's see!"  "Promise you won't laugh?"  "Promise." Reby tugged off her hoodie and let Blake look at her ink covered arms. Blake burst into laughter.  "You promised!" Reby cried out, hitting her with her hoodie.  "I didn't expect this though!" Blake was on the verge of tears. Every single inch of Reby's arm was covered with little drawings and still more kept appearing.  "Awesome dick doodles!" Blake gasped before collapsing into fits of giggles again. Full on hiccupping giggles. Reby threw her a bitchface before pulling her hoodie back on and striding out of the room.

"Matt?" Jeff called as he knocked on his older brother's bedroom door.  "What?" Matt yelled back, "I'm busy right now!"  "Did my pair of black pants get mixed up with yours when dad put out the piles of clean washing?" Jeff asked.  "Yeah, they're on my bed! Get them quick and get out!" Matt shouted and Jeff opened the door, very unprepared for what he saw next.  "Oh my God! MATT!" Jeff cried, doubling over with laughter. Matt stood shirtless in front of his mirror and was scribbling his usual dick doodles all over his chest and stomach area.  "What? I'm sure my soulmate isn't currently plotting my demise," Matt grinned cheekily.  "I'm sure," Jeff replied sarcastically, grabbing his pants from the bed and quickly leaving his brother's room.  "Do you think you could draw some on my back for me later?" Matt called after him.  "Sure!" Jeff chuckled before entering his own bedroom. He changed quickly out of his usual ripped jeans and baggy T-shirt and into his plain black pants like the ones he would fight in and a more tight-fitting black T-shirt with the symbol HB on they back. Glancing at the clock, he saw that it was 4:47pm so he quickly pulled on his Jacket and some checked vans and headed for the door. He sprinted down the stairs and said goodbye to his father, Gilbert, before grabbing his keys and his phone and leaving the house.  Outside, the wind had slowed down and it was a warm, pleasant evening. Jeff set off towards his car and started to drive to the coffee shop, his stomach twisting as if a snake was winding itself around his innards. He couldn't deny it; he was fucking terrified about this date.

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