Prologue + Once upon a time + Your Best Friend.

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It is finally the weekend and the students down at Beacon are taking a break from all the school work. While some are training and some doing their homework, others were left with nothing to do.

"So booooooooord!" One such person is Ruby Rose, leader of team RWBY. She sighs tirelessly as she couldn't find anything interesting in her scroll.

"Then go and do something." Weiss massages her head annoyingly while trying do some paper work. She only just done helping Ruby do hers so she needs to catch up on her own work.

"Any ideas?" Ruby asks. Fortunately for Weiss someone came with a solution.

"Hey Rubes. Remember that game we used to play years ago? The one with those monsters?" Yang, Ruby's sister, asked as Ruby herself trying to remember.

Yang then smirks. "The one that was filled with 'Bones'?"

Ruby groans as she realised what Yang is speaking about as Blake, Yang's partner, raised and eyebrow.

"I don't like the sound of that."

"Trust me Blake, you don't want to know. But why bring that up Yang?" Ruby deciding on asking since Yang wouldn't bring up that game for no reason.

"Well recently I've found this MeTube account and these guys create covers for different songs from a lot of games. Like Super Smash Sis, Super Paper Maria, Breath of the Sea and a lot more." The three girls grew interested with Blake heard of these games before and Weiss because she likes hearing music. Ruby tilts her head as she jumps of her bed and walks towards Yang's.

"That's sounds interesting." Ruby said as she remembers playing most of those games with Yang.

"Right!? So I was pretty surprised when I found an entire musical to that Undertale game. They made covers for every single one of the songs the game had. So I was thinking that if your bored we can take a listen?" Yang asked as Ruby smiles.

She looks at Weiss as the heiress sighs, knowing what her leader is going to ask her. "Fine Ruby I'll have a listen. As long as they are not too much that it disrupts my work."

"I think this beginning ones are if I remember right. What about you Blake?" Ruby asks as Blake smiles and puts down the book she was reading.

"Well I got nothing better to do."

"Alright then allow me to connect my Scroll to the TV then we can get started." Yang said happily as she jumped off her bed to set up while Ruby sets up some beanbags.

It wasn't long until Yang had set everything up and pressed play on the first song after they got comfy.

*1. Once Upon a Time*

Sit down child, do not quail. With peace and love we will prevail.

"I'm not exactly liking the tune." Weiss said as this kind of song isn't to her taste.

"Trust me princess it will get better." Yang assured her as Weiss rolls her eyes at Yang's nickname for her.

If you climb. Along this trail. You will hear the Undertale.

"Hush now little ones. I have a story for you." A voice said, "A story about men and monsters."

Ruby smiles as she thinks that she knew who's voice that belongs to. She can't remember her name but the character had been one of her favourites.

"Long ago, Men and Beasts. Ruled the Earth and had their feasts." The ensemble sang.

The change of the tune caught Weiss's attention since this sounded much better.

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