1:Arriving in Courmarine City

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  WE'RE HERE,Bonnie exclaimed excitedly as they finally enter Courmarine City. With it's perfect climate It's most known as a resort spot,Clemont says. Oh yeah I can finally get my 4th gym badge I'm so excited,Ash says  as he fist pumps the air. Don't forget about the Pokémon showcase,Serena says excitedly. You 2 are both pumped up aren't you guys,Bonnie says. Of course I'm one step closer to getting into the Kalos league and Serena is finally getting a start on her dream,Ash says as  he looked over at Serena smiling. Come on guys let's head to the Pokémon center,Serena says. RACE YA,Ash says as he runs off with everyone following. Hey guys can we stop for ice cream,Bonnie says as they pass an ice cream shop selling ice cream in the shape of a Vanillite.
Here you go 4 ice creams,the man said while handing us our ice creams. Awe it's shaped like a vanillite it's so cute,Bonnie has stars in her eyes as she says that. There's a lost and injured vanillite being taken care of at the Pokémon center whos taken a part of everyone's hearts so I thought it would be a cute treat. Really that's so cute. Can we go see it please,Bonnie asks the 3 trainers. Sure let's go guys,clemont says as they continue their way to the Pokémon center. Little do they know Team Rocket have heard their conversation and is up to their old tricks again.
      A/N: hey guys that'll be in for this chapter and I know there wasn't a ton of amourshipping moments but there will be and I have a special moment that's gonna happen in the next chapter so be prepared for that anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I hope u guys have a wonderful day signing off for now-Cass

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