chapter two - meeting kay

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Later on that Tuesday, lunchtime rolled around. Emilia doesn't really eat lunch, mainly because she's just tired of her teachers and everyone else's bull crap, she will literally fight anyone that even give her the wrong look. But, she knew that Jack and her sister would annoy her to death about not eating, so she grabbed an apple with some crackers and an apple juice.

"Rough day?"

Emilia nodded, placing her head on Jack's shoulder, smelling his cologne and a hit of vanilla, which was comforting. "Mrs Landons has been up my ass all day, first in second then fourth, and then I have her seventh!" Emilia whined as she explained to her friend.

Jack hummed softly, peeling his orange as he continued listening to Emilia and her rant. Jack knew how Emilia was about speaking her mind, especially in her debate class. They talk about things like politics to what the messages of certain books were.

"I forgot to ask, why was Zach talking to Nousha?" Emilia brought up. She wasn't wrecking Jack and Zach's relationship, Emilia was making sure that Jack knew that Zach was talking to other girls. Zach did have a past of messing around with girls and boys, but mostly girls.

Jack shrugged, taking a bite of his orange slices. "He was probably wondering why her and the other girls cut off Kay, she is his ex and his only girl best friend, besides you, of course. Plus, I already know Nousha, she's pretty chill but she's a follower."

Emilia let out a small sigh, nodding her head as she started to eat her apple. Then, Jack's head was lifted from her shoulder. In the corner of her eye she saw the noddle boy turn his head to give someone a peck before blushing madly as he continued to eat his orange.

"What's up kiddos?" Emilia heard Zach greeted as he swung his arm around Jack's shoulder, taking a sip out of Jack's milk before digging in his own lunch.

"Where's Kay?" Jack asked as he wiped his straw inside of his milk.

"She's coming, she's getting lunch."

Emilia didn't know why but she felt a bit excited. There were butterflies in her stomach, flying around, making her lips tug upwards slightly.

"Where's your sister and her boyfriend?" Jack questioned, turning his head to face his friend.

"Probably making out in a closet somewhere, Scarlett has been ranting all day long that Jonah shut her up with a make out session," Emilia rolled her eyes as she replied to Zach, making Jack laugh lightly.

"What's so funny?"

Emilia immediately jerked her head up, her eyes falling upon a blonde girl. Her hair falling down to past her shoulders, but it didn't reach her elbows, it was more in the middle. Her outfit was simple, a pair of light washed mom jeans and a white crop top to match with it. She saw her makeup with light and looked natural, like she didn't put any on, just eyeliner.

"You must be Emilia, I'm Kay, Zach's only girl friend," Kay introduced herself as she sat down across from Emilia. "There's a huge space between girl and friend, by the way."

Emilia nodded slowly, taking in Kay's perfume and the features on her face. Kay gave Zach a side eye wink, before leaning forward to Emilia. The brunette girl felt her face heat up, but she didn't dare to move away, instead she leaned slightly forward.

"Hey! Not in front of salad!" The two heard Zach exclaimed, obviously joking.

Kay playfully rolled her blue eyes, leaning away from Emilia. "Zach, you don't even have a salad, Jack does."

"Did I say my salad? I meant our salad," Zach replied smuggling, pulling Jack closer to him, if that was even possible.

Jack scoffed, pitching Zach on the arm. "Please don't that, we're in public."

"Jack's embarrassed of you," Kay sang as she teased the slightly older boy. She turned and faced Emilia, who was watching how Kay interacted with people. "If you didn't know-"

"You used to date Zach but you guys broke up and him and Jack got together," Emilia cut her off, explaining what Kay was going to say. "Word went around like wildfire when you guys broke up and when those two got together."

"So you already knew who I am?" Kay licked her lips. Emilia felt Kay's foot brush your against her leg, she's guessing that Kay was sitting with her legs crossed.

Emilia nodded, seeing Jack and Zach whisper thing to one and another, it was mostly Zach teasing Jack, who was a red mess. She saw Kay smirk lazily, her chin resting in her chin as her blue eyes went looked into Emilia's brown ones. Emilia gave a slight smile and another nod. "More or less, Kay, more or less."

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