chapter one - can she sit with us

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"Mama! Did Scar leave?"

"No, she's downstairs!"

"Okay, thank you!"

Emilia Cruz sighed as she walked down the stairs, hearing her older sister, Scarlett, laugh with her boyfriend, Jonah Marais. Emilia never really understood why girls liked guys, even the nice ones. All they seemed to do is play video games and say that women aren't funny.

"And I said that I wasn't going to do- oh, Emmy is here!" Scarlett squealed as her eyes noticed her younger sister. "I was about to leave you here! Well, c'mon, let's go."

Jonah waved at Emilia, which she returned with a nod and a small hello. Emilia wasn't one to have much encounters with people, especially when her sister is one of prettiest girls at school. There were guys lining up to even talk to her, some girls as well, but Scarlett had Jonah. The only thing that irritated Emilia was that Emilia was in her sisters shadow. She wasn't known as Emilia, it was always Scarlett's little sister.

"You know what Tate said to me?" Scarlett continued her rant as the trio walked out of the Cruz household, walking into the cool October air. "She literally told me to loose a few pounds! First, I was happy that she was concerned with my weight, but then I took offense! Like, who is she to tell me-"

"You're making me have a headache," Emilia whined, rubbing her temples as she sat in the backseat of Jonah's car. "How do you keep with her, Jo? You might as well be a therapist."

Jonah chuckled as he buckled his seatbelt, shrugging as he started the car, "I would probably be at Dr Phil's level if I was."

Emilia let out a small laugh before she plugged in her earbuds to her phone. She played her mixtape, hearing Tyler, The Creator. Jonah and Scarlett were talking about whatever, it was mainly Scarlett ranting about something and Jonah giving his input and advice.

Emilia watched the trees and stop signs past as they continued their way to school. She saw the familiar houses and felt the familiar turns, knowing they were about a block or so away from the hellhole called school. She unplugged her earbuds and stopped the song. Emilia took a glance out the window and saw the yellow sign, reading "school nearby."

Jonah went down to the appropriate speed, going over the speed bumps and waving at the lady with the crosswalk sign. He slowly drove into the school's parking lot, trying to find his own spot.

"I don't know why Zach even dated that Kay girl. She doesn't even go out with guys anymore, all she does is mess around with girls," Scarlett huffed as she flew her hands everywhere, not remembering her sister was in the backseat. "If she ever thought to mess around with Emmy, I would literally end her social life because Emmy happens to like girls. At least, I think so." Scarlett blinked, pausing for a second before she shrugged, "She doesn't show any interest in boys. Also, she listens to Girl in Red and she cuffs her jeans, so she might be bisexual, who knows."

"Good way to stereotype all the bisexuals, Scar," Emilia mumbled as she leaned forward, patting her sister on the shoulder.

"Shit- I'm sorry, Emmy-"

Emilia shook her head, running her hand through her honey brown locks, "It's fine, Scar. We all fuck up, it's okay." She pulled on the door handle and hopped out of the car, shitting the door behind her. Emilia could hear her sister cursing at herself and Jonah reassuring her.

Emilia knew who Kay Cook was, but she didn't know her. She knew of Kay, but never had an actual conversation with her. The rumors about Kay being bisexual to lesbian went crazy when her and some boy named Zach Herron broke up. After they had broken up, they decided to stay friends, which is a bit awkward in Emilia's opinion. Just knowing what someone looks like naked or what they are like in bed is just kind of weird to Emilia. Yet again, she hasn't had any girlfriends or boyfriends, so she can't really speak from past experience.

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