"Hi," I wave back.

When I turn my attention back to the lads they are all looking at me. I suddenly get very self conscious.

"What?" I ask. "Did I do something?"

"No," Niall answers. "It's more your lack of doing something that has got Liam stumped. We are waiting for him to say something."

"What? What haven't I done?" I look around to Harry who is smiling at me.

"You see angel," He starts and I'm already blushing. "Liam seems to think that you are a crazy fanboy who is using me to get close to the band and ruin our lives."

"Hey that's not true!" Liam says.

"Whatever you say Lima Bean." Niall says, everyone laughs except for Liam.

"Don't worry I don't plan on ruining your lives, I didn't even know I was coming until this morning." I answer.

"This morning?" Niall says in a suggestive voice.

Both Harry and I turn bright red. They all laugh at us.

"Yes Nialler, this morning." Harry hitting him on the back of the head.

"So that's why you weren't at home then." Zayn smirks at our obvious discomfort.

"Why are you guys so sure that we did anything? I mean we could have just had a sleepover." Harry tries to defend.

"Hazza, baby," He turns to face me as I talk. "we are both blushing bright red right now and I have very visible love bites on my neck. I think it's pretty obvious."

We are all laughing again and Harry just pouts. I pull him into my chest and he smiles.

"We better get to work lads," Julian says from across the room. "you can have a break when we finish recording this one."

All the lads get up and start walking over except for Harry.

"We'll be done this one soon," I smile and nod. "I'm glad you got to meet them."

"Does Liam actually think I'm trying to use you?" I ask cautiously.

"They are all a little protective over me," He answers sighing. "but no, I don't believe he actually thinks that."

I give him a small smile. I wonder why they are so protective over him. I wonder if it has to do with there management being so homophobic.

He kisses me cheek, making me blush. "I'll be back in a minute."

As Harry walks over, I see Niall giving me a knowing look. It makes me blush looking down.

I open my phone while I wait for them to come back. It is absolute madness.

There are constant tweets being sent my way. Lots of them are pictures of me and Harry coming into the building. Some are about how he put his arm around me to lead me into the building.

But most of them, if not all of them are about the fact that I am gay. About how Harry has been tweeting an openly gay man. About how we are kind of flirting online. And how I have some very visible love bites all over my neck. People are taking the "larry" thing that Niall tweeted seriously now.

I also see that Lottie has rung me at twenty times since I entered the building. I guess I have forgotten to message her recently. Oops.

I ring her immediately.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" She screams through the phone. I wince. The boys all turn to me.

"Thanks Lots, that really hurt my ear. And they all heard you form across the room."

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