Ohma Birthday Special (DragonBall Super)

Start from the beginning


Ohma: Oh...

Ohma smiles as he cracks his neck and knuckles.

Ohma: So you think you stand a chance against me? Bring it then.

Vegeta rushes in and kicks Ohma in the stomach sending him into the ground. Ohma pulls himself out of the ground and launches himself at Vegeta. Ohma swings, but Vegeta dodges before hitting him dead in the stomach and following up with a big blue ball of energy.


The ball flies at Ohma, but he swats it away sending it flying into the air where it promptly explodes.

?: I suggest you two be careful, you don't want to end up spilling my pudding...do you?

Ohma looks over and sees a purple cat in Egyptian style clothing.

Vegeta: N-no of course not, Lord Beerus!

Ohma: Whatever.

Everyone gasps.

Ohma: I could care less about your pudding or this fight in general. I just need to find my friend, so I can leave this place.

Ohma pulls out his phone and calls C. C however is a little busy at the moment. Broly grabs C by the leg and slams him into the ground repeatedly. C throws out his hand and hits Broly with a blast that sends him flying.

C: The hell?! How did I-

C's phone suddenly rings, so he answers it.

C: Hello?

Ohma: Hey man where are you?

C: No idea. Fighting some big guy with black hair and some sort of pelt around his waist.

A roar suddenly fills the air and Broly rushes in decking C in the face. C catches himself before he crashes into the ground and he pushes off flipping himself onto his feet. Broly screams as his hair goes green.

C: Just send me your location and I'll come to you.

Broly charges a green ball of energy and throws it at C.


Ohma: C! What happened?! C?!

The call goes dead. C puts his phone away and puts out both hands to stop the ball. He then throws it back at Broly, but he dodges it and swings at C. His fist catches C in the stomach making him cough up spit and sending him flying back as Broly launches a huge green beam from his mouth. The beam envelopes C.

C: No I can't die here! I made a promise and I refuse to DIE HERE!

C suddenly explodes with bright explosion of energy. He looks at Broly and sends a ball of energy of his own at him. It hits Broly and drags him into the sky before exploding. The explosions sends Broly crashing back down to the planet. Broly pulls himself up and roars as C's phone goes off.

C: Alright it was fun fighting you, but I finally found out where I'm supposed to go. Oh I'm C by the way. Bye.

C then teleports away leaving the hulking Saiyan confused. C meanwhile is now on Earth beside Ohma.

C: So, what's up? Did I miss anything good?

Ohma: No. Just this idiot trying to fight me.


Vegeta puts both his arms to the side and then in front of him as yellow energy emits from his palms.

Vegeta: Let's see you ignore this! FINAL FLASH!!

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