Chapter 5

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Angelica's p.o.v
Jake's been acting sweet & he treats me much better than Niall does, We were on our way to the cafeteria because Jake said if he doesn't eat within a few minutes he'd end up eating the wall, so here we were at the cafeteria. "Hey babe can you go get a table for us while I go get some food for us?" I went ahead and found an empty table, & saved Jake a seat across from me I was waiting on Jake but unfortunately, Niall & the boys came walking in, they sat in the table right in front of mine as soon as they sat down Jake had come with our food, "Thanks baby" I said while looking straight at Niall with a glare in my eyes, a glare filled with such pain. I still couldn't believe he called me a hoe. Jake & I were eating but the whole time we were talking I kept looking at Niall & Niall had been doing the same. "Jake, babe I'm done can you dump my food along with yours?" As soon as left, Niall came over & said "Would you look at that? Jake dumped your tray? What, did you let him bang him in one of the locker rooms?" After that he got his carton of milk, dumped it on my head, & left with the boys not even giving me a chance to react, I was furious, filled with such rage that I had gotten a soda can, opened it, ran towards him and threw it as his face. He then got a handful of peach slices & threw them towards me but Jake came running in front of me & got hit instead. Jake looked hilarious with the peaches in his hair that both Jake & I started laughing at each other, then he kissed me for about 15 seconds after we were done we were about to leave but Niall was at the door blocking our way, by the look of his face he was beyond pissed, he looked as if he were ready to break down & cry. I was so upset with him, I gave him a ice cold glare, & said "You're blocking the way, people have to go so move bitch." His eyes widened as he started to move out the way. Jake was astonished as he asked "What'd I miss?" I started explaining everything that went down in the cafeteria as we walked towards my class.

Niall's p.o.v
Did that really just happen? Did she just make out with Jake & then call me a bitch? I moved out of the way then turned around to only see them holding hands & walking away. "Ni... Are you okay mate?" & with that I had ran, I ran out the school & to my car & I went towards this old abandoned park my dad used to take me to, I started to walk towards the swing set, sat on one of the swings. "ARRRGGGGHHHH" I yelled as I broke down, crying & shaking ever so violently. WHY?! WHY DOES SHE MAKE ME FEEL LIKE THIS?! WHAT IS IT ABOUT HER?! WHY DOES SHE SEEM LIKE SUCH AN IMPORTANT PERSON FOR ME?! WHY DO I CARE?! I don't want to hurt her feelings but she keeps on crushing mine! Maybe I should talk to her? No. She's Jakes & she seems to be happy with him. I miss Dad & Mom. It's so hard without them. & Most of all I just have this craving of Angelica, I need her. It's a really weird feeling, & I don't know whether I like it or not.

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