Chapter 3

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Niall's p.o.v
It's already 6! I was supposed to wake up at 5! I have school at 7 on the dot so I better hurry. I've decided to wear skinny grey sweat pants, my "crazy mofos" shirt, a black beanie & my nikes. I put on my dad's gold watch before leaving, I wear it everyday for good luck & memories. It's 6:45 so I'm going to go ahead and leave now. I step into school and go to the boys & I meeting place. We say our greeting and start talking about my birthday. OUT OF NOWHERE this girl runs into me and I catch her while her stuff falls over the place but she's in my arms but I can't let go. Her eyes, mouth, cheeks, her hair, her whole face is just so breathtaking. We're just staring at each other so I break the silence. "I am so sorry, let me help you! Are you okay? You must be new here I'm Niall, Niall Horan but you must already know that." She replies "No it was all my fault I am so so sorry! It won't happen again I hope? But I'm fine, I'm new here my name's Angelica, Angelica Sanders, but um how would I know your name?" I was confused? She didn't know who I was? This has to be a joke. "Uhh I'm Niall from one direction?" She looked so lost I had to control my laughter I didn't want to hurt her. She started speaking "Is that a show or something? I'm sorry I've never heard of it." I replied "Love it's okay, we're a band, known world wide." I noticed everyone was staring at us with wide eyes especially the boys.
Harry/ Louis/ Liam/ Zayn's p.o.v
Angelica's p.o.v
"Love it's okay, we're a band, known world wide." Niall replied. I felt so embarrassed for not knowing who they are, I've never even heard the name! "Ummm I'll google it later or you could tell me about it later! I should try finding my classes." He said "In that case would you like me to show you where your classes are?" Everything about him was handsome, his accent especially a bit like a leprechaun I'll ask him later. He's so cute & his hair is amazing! His smile is beautiful! He's a lot taller than me so he has to look down when speaking to me. But I replied "Yes please!" He said "Okay but let me introduce you to my friends first, the one with curly hair is Harry Styles, the one in stripes is Louis Tomlinson, then there's Liam Payne the one with the puppy dog innocent face, and last but not least Zayn Malik the one with the bad boy edge." I immediately memorized all of them and started shaking their hands saying "Hello! I'm Angelica, Nice to meet you!" Niall said "We should get going bye lads" I said "Bye guys!" Niall & I started waking down towards the entrance he asked me about my life so I spoke "Well I'm Angelica but people call me Angel because well I'm an Angel *both giggle* I live with my mom because my dad had died of cancer. I work at Starbucks, I don't have any siblings I am 18 but my birthday is in 5 weeks! I can drive, I'm single but I've only ever had 2 boyfriends & the first one used me for my popularity the second one played me for sex I found out after he broke up with me." Niall looked mad after I talked about my second boyfriend so I said "Tell me your story now." He started off "I'm Niall but you can call me Ni. Both my parents died in a car crash when I was 6 and no family members wanted to take me in and I was put in the orphanage the orphanage loved me so they decided to get me into college and then let me go so I moved into an apartment after that I met the boys we formed a band, I am also 18 BUT my birthdays in 3 weeks! I can also drive, I'm single as well but I've never had a girlfriend due to the fact that no girl has really attracted me to them. They use me for my fame so I don't talk to them." Wow. I wonder if he'd ever find me attractive. "So what's your first class?" He asked. I looked at my schedule and said "Calculus 2" We walked upstairs and went to this hallway right in the middle of the 2nd floor. "Here let me see your schedule." He said so I passed it to him he said "Well lucky you Angel I'm in all of your classes you have 2 classes with Zayn, 1 with Harry, 3 with Louis, & 1 with Liam." I said "Oh! It's nice that you're in all of my classes! I mean like I'm not I mean it ugh it's just nice to not feel alone!" He said "Don't worry, you don't have to feel embarrassed. I know how it feels love." Whenever he called me love it just sent chills down my back and made my neck hairs rise, it's a weird feeling. The bell rung so we went into the class.

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