Brightest Star In the North

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The night was clear and quiet. The moon wasn't present on the sky but the stars filled the darkness with little spots of silver light. One star shined particularly bright and if you know your astronomy you could tell ot was the brightest star from the North. Almost like a single flame among eternal darkness. Waves gently hit the cliffs of Dragonstone with the windows of the castle dark and everyone inside fast asleep. Well, almost everyone. In one of the grand chambers a young woman was screaming her lungs out, sweat dripping from her dark brown hair as her chocolate eyes frantically searched around the room looking for one person in particular. 

- Get my husband here!

- Your Grace, it's not right for a man to witness...

- I don't care what is right, Jaeherya! - the Queen shouted so loudly she surprised all her maids present in her bedroom - I want my husband right now!

The maid stopped arguing with the Queen and stormed out of the chamber running as if the devil himself was chasing her. Only one purpose stuck in her head: find the King before the time comes or the Queen will have her head. It felt like ages to Jaeherya running around the endless corridors of Dragonstone but finally she stumbled around the right place. King Aerys was standing on the balcony of his private chamber gazing in the sky as if looking for answers to questions scattered in his mind.

- Your Grace! Your Grace, the Princess... 

- For the love of Gods, Jaeherya, slow down. What is happening with the Queen?

- Your Grace... - the servant panted heavily from the sprint she had just made, trying to catch her breath - Your Grace, the Princess is in labour! 

- Why didn't you come earlier? Because of you I might miss the birth of my firstborn child - the King boomed at the maid who just bowed her head and followed the angry monarch. He was quite tall with long legs which made Jaeherya run for her life if she wished to keep up with him. 

King Aerys II wasn't the calmest monarch you could imagine. He had the Targaryen temper boiling in his blood, passed onto him from generations of short tempered ancestors. However, he was one of the smartest kings the Seven Kingdoms ever had. Although life wasn't always pretty and , somehow he managed to rule justly and with kind heart. Well, that second part was mostly the curtesy of his beautiful wife. The day Aerys met Alysanne in the heart of the North was the day she stole his heart for eternity never to give back.

Now he was storming through the corridors of the castle of his ancestors racing with time to make it for the birth of his first child. He had been waiting for so long to witness his heir come into the world. When he finally reached his wife's chamber he immediately ran to her side, taking her plam into his stron hand. With his free hand he stroked her sweat covered hair while staring sweetly into her chocolate eyes.

- I'm right here, my love. Just a little longer and our son will be with us.

- And what if I fail? What if it's a girl?

- Then the Seven Kingdoms will have the most beautiful princess they have ever seen.

Alysanne was about to say something but another contraction hit her body like the lighting in the middle of a great storm on the sea. 

- Just one more push, your Grace! Just a little more - Jaeherya encouraged her Queen repeating the same words over and over again. She had been with Queen Alysanne ever since she arrived in Kings Landing as a young girl terrified of the capital. She grew fond of her day after day guarding all her secrets and guiding her through the life of a royal. 

And then after one last exhausting effort the chamber was filled with an extremely loud scream of a newborn baby. Jaeherya gently took the infant in her arms, wiped it clean from all the blood and wrapped in some clean sheets. The child kept crying but the maid quickly took care of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2022 ⏰

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