"Is it because she's one of the dark fairies of Ikaika?" I gave Lady Griffin a questionable glared. "Well, we've got to find a way to put aside our differences,"

"Yes for that particular reason Faragonda, but I know who to ask,"

Lady Griffin had dark electric bolts formed around her. Lady Griffin turned her back to leave my office magically, but she stood there by the window and looked outside. Lady Griffin shifted her head to the side so she can see me from over her shoulder.

"While Emalia is in my care at Cloudtower, I will make sure this Professor Avalon of yours is doing his job to suppress Emalia's destructive powers," Lady Griffin informed me before she magically vanished from my office.

A few minutes later

"What?" The Winx girls questioned as one.

"We're to study at Cloudtower?" Bloom asked with her hands on my desk.

"You can't be serious?" Aisha (A/n: I almost said Layla 😂) had a deadpanned look on her face.

"No way I'm wearing those tacky witch outfits!" Stella demand a smirk, probably thinking of herself in those witches outfits.

"Come on, Stella I'm sure you will look great in them!" Emalia joked, snickering.

"Ye- are you making fun of me, Emalia?" Stella barked at Emalia.

"Calm down, girls, you know we have to protect the Codex at Cloudtower," I reminded the Winx girls of their mission.

I watched the expression on my fairy students' faces. They all had that same look of uncertainty. I can understand where it's coming from due to a fairy and witch relationship not going well since the beginning of the Magix Dimension, but we both, fairy and witch have a common enemy which is Lord Darkar.

"There are absolutely no records of witches ever asking fairies for help," Tecna declared, resting her bottom on my desk.

"And that's where Mirta's advice has been most helpful!" I smiled, introducing Mirta in the conversation.

"The witches at Cloudtower think that the Alfea fairies have it easy," Mirta declared with a smile.

"Wait till they see our assignments," Emalia grumbled, causing the other Winx girls to smile and giggle.

"And all the teachers say that fairies wouldn't last two days if they were to take their classes," Mirta chimed.

"The one that will last more than two days is Emalia," Flora pointed out.

"So, we have to swallow our pride that it?" Musa asked, sounding surprised.

"Fairies aren't slaves to pride like the witches are correct?" I asked my fairy students.

My students hummed while nodding their heads. All their faces held a tight-lipped smirk.

"Then it's settled if you're willing to take classes at Cloudtower, Lady Griffin is willing to ask for your help against Trix!" I smiled.

On the way to Cloudtower: Musa

The Winx girls and I walked the long death-dropping bridge to get to Cloudtower. The mountains surrounding the school could be seen, but the bottom of the mountain and even the ground, which I wonder if there is has disappeared in the murky gray-green clouds. The girls and I didn't say a word nor made a sound. The uneasiness of the Cloudtower felt intenser since the last time the girls and I had to come here. I heard a light hum of wonder coming from Flora as I glance to see that she was looking down the stoned path bridge to the witchery school. I guess Flora was curious about the bottom of the bridge too?

Under the Sign of WinxOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora