Where's All Might?

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When I woke up everyone had a worried look on their face even Kacchan but only me and
Kaito knew why happened...
Where's All Might?
He's supposed to be in the teachers lounge... Me Aizawa looked concerned or we more than usual what I saw and heard was haunting me even if it had just happened.
I need to go see him...
I ran out of the classroom and ran towards the teachers lounge hoping to get to All Might.
Young Midoriya aren't you supposed to be in class? I need to talk to you...
What about? All For One, what?! If it's just a talk sure what about him? I think I know something about him, if you're the symbol of peace, he would be the opposite just like your quirks... Witch means if your quirk can be passed down then does that mean so can his and he wasn't born with his quirk?
... I never thought about it that way... but maybe...
I need to see this bastard! Midoriya?
You wouldn't understand...
Tell me why,
All Might your lucky I was quirkless otherwise I would've ended up as a villain...
What do you mean?! He's my father...
N-No your joking right?! I wish I was, I can't accept you to see him! And why not it's not like he's going to escape, you're not going and that's final!
You're not my dad!

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