A Surprise Visitor...

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Deku's POV:
Good morning class, please take a seat.
Yes sir!
Tomorrow we will have an important visitor but let's get back to doing work...
~~~~~~~~~~~~After School~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hey Uraraka! Oh hey Deku! So do you want to go back to the dorms now? Sure!
We walked to the dorms and hang out in the lounge.
~~~~~~~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~~~~~~
Let's go into class now before we're late, it's too early! Well at least we can fine out who the visitor is...
True, true, okay let's go then.
Class take a seat the visitor is a student who graduated two years ago you remember
Night Eye?
Most of the class shouted yes
Good because this is his son and most of you want to know your future don't you? Either way the people who want to know stand on the right side of the classroom.
Before you do so this is Kaito Sasaki.
Hey guys! Who wants to have fun?!
The class yells yeah.

Ps: I'm sorry I can't think of anything else right now.
Settle down class.
So go to the right side of the class if you want to know your future but just remember this is an activity we are ding for you so don't mess about! Wow, Mr Aizawa, you have changed a bit... Was that a compliment or an insult? Compliment? Hehe,

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