Month Zero

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Today is Friday. Which is another way of saying that today is Sleepover-Day. If I can convince my parents that is.

Being the child of teen parents is hard sometimes. There's often times a tight restriction on what I can and can't do because they want me to enjoy being a child.

But they don't seem to understand that I'm fifteen. I want to go to parties and meet cute boys. Fall in love.

Normal teenage girl things.

"Gina," says my mother coming into my bedroom. "if you don't hurry up you and your sister will be late for school."

"I'm ready," I tell her.

"Really? Because it looks like you're just sitting on your bed."

"I was just sitting here thinking about how this might be my last day of normal high school."

"What are you talking about?"

"Sharon is having a slumber party tonight and she's invited all of the girls in our grade. I heard her say that anyone who doesn't show up is getting ostracized."

"So you're asking me if you can go."

"Please, Mom," I pout.

"You know how your father and I feel about Sharon."

Saying my parents don't like Sharon would be an understatement. But to be fair, nobody really likes Sharon anyway.

"Mom, come on. It'll be totally fine. Just like a normal Friday except after dance class I'll go home with Sharon and her mom instead of you and dad. What could go wrong?"

I watch with my fingers crossed as my mom thinks to herself.

"I suppose it's okay-"

"Yes," I exclaim.

"As long as you promise to call home if you feel unsafe."

"I will, Mom. I promise. Thank you so much."

This is the best day ever. And all it took was a little embellishing to get here.


After our dance let out I waited with Sharon for her mom to show up.

She's late.

Which is odd because Mrs.Montgomery is never late for anything. In fact she tends to show up an hour ahead of time to avoid any mishaps. Eventually Sharon just started walking in the direction of her house and so not knowing what else to do, I followed her.

"Is your mom okay?"

"She's fine."

"But she's late. And your mom is never late."

"Oh, did I forget to tell you that my mom wasn't picking us up? My bad."

'Okay that explains it.'

"So should we have waited for your dad?"

"My dad isn't picking us up either," she says staring at her nails. "In fact my parents went out of town this morning."

'And now I'm really confused.'

"So then who are we staying with? If my parents find out that I'm going to be spending the night without your parents they'll never let me stay."

"Relax, Tanner. It's not like you're going to tell your parents anyway. You already lied to be able to stay the night. What's one more?"

"Lying about how many people are going to be at your house and lying about having adult supervision are two separate things."

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