Chapter Two: New Kid, New Day, New Problems

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"Oi, Mr. Barrett, can I sit next to her?"

I stared at Mr. Barrett, then at Luke, repeating this pattern for a minute that seemed longer than ever. "It's all up to Miss Queen Farley!" Mr. Barrett smiled, looking at me as if I was his daughter and he had just found his dream son in law. "How about it, Queen?" Mr. Barrett asked, sending me a secret wink. "Uhhh..." I struggled to find words.

Pros: I could make a new friend.

Cons: I could be bullied. He could be just another heartbreak.

"Well?" Mr. Barrett questioned, a grin plastered onto his face. "Ummm..." I struggled to find my words as Luke smiled at me, showing me his pearly white teeth. "S-Sure, why not?" I smiled sheepishly, a hue of red creeping onto my face. "Alrighty, then." Luke smiled as he sat down next to me. He seemed more carefree then he was a second ago. I turned to look at Lydia. She smiled at me, and I gawked at her, obviously shocked. Then she took her plastic water bottle in her hand and crushed it with a look on her face that screamed evil and "watch your back". I slammed my head down on my desk, running a hand through my tangled brown hair and closing my green eyes. I felt someone poke my cheek. "Hey, don't worry about the dragon lady." He smirked as I giggled. He was so strange. As he began writing something in his notebook, a paper ball hit the back of my head, and I turned around. Lydia was glaring at me, and I felt my throat run dry. "Open it, loser." Lydia mouthed to me with her bright red lips. I uncrumpled the balled up wad of paper and my jaw hit the floor.

Luke's P.O.V. (Surprise!)

I was staring down at my paper, sketching whatever came to mind when I saw the girl that I assumed to be Queen slam her head down on her desk. I turned to the girl who had make-up caked onto her face to see she had crushed a water bottle. "Mean old snake." I thought. I poked Queen's chubby cheek, and she slowly got up. "Don't worry about the dragon lady." I gave her my signature smirk as she giggled. She was so adorable. I turned back to the class, directing all of my attention to Mr. Barrett, who happens to be my uncle. "Who knows who the founder of this academy is?" Mr. Barrett asked, raising an eyebrow. "Some old dude who had nothing better to do than ruining the lives of kids everywhere?" The Snake Lady cackled. I glared back at her, and then when another boy answered and the class when on. I took the opportunity and glanced over at Queen, hoping she'd do the same. But she was definitely fixated on the crumpled piece of off-white paper in front of her. Her elbows were propped in a way so that I or anyone else couldn't see the paper. I was about to snatch it and read it, but the bell rang, and everyone but Queen and me up and left their seats, leaving me behind. Queen stared at me, a smile splayed on her lips, but her eyes filled with fear. "Well, I should get going, I have arrangements I can't miss. Bye." The paper dropped to the floor as she walked to the door, but she didn't seem to notice, her being so distracted at the moment. She smiled as she walked, but I saw right through it easily. She was scared of something, and whatever it was, it must have been awfully dreadful. It was as if she were replaced by a mindless drone who had been scheduled for execution very shortly. "I'll see you tomorrow." I called out to her as she reached the door. Queen laughed humorlessly as she opened the door, and slowly turned back to me, tears filled in her eyes. "If I'm lucky." She whispered sadly, and she left the room, slamming the door behind her.

I sat there, staring at the door, puzzled and bewildered. But then I leaped out of my seat, knocking down various objects, hitting rough objects on the way to the floor as I reached for the letter. I probably ruined my chances of having children but I desperately wanted to know if Queen was okay. What? No! I wasn't in love, I was just...curious, that's it. And that curiosity was surely compelling. I unfolded the paper, feeling nervous about Queen. As soon as I read those four haunting words, I scrambled to my feet, grabbed whatever of my stuff was in my reach and raced outside to the courtyard, the note falling to the ground as the words faced upwards.

"After school, you're dead."

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