Chapter One: An Abnormal Day

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From the moment I got out of bed, to the time my first class was over, all I heard about was the Reality Game Series. Literally, the teacher actually taught about the video game. I stared at my desk, listening to the girls behind me whisper about me behind my back. "...She's a failure...she really did...I hate her...freak." I closed my eyes, trying to hide the burning tears that threatened to fall. "Watch this." I heard another voice whisper. Something heavy hit the back of my head, and my face made a solid collision with my desk. I worried about my glasses. "Detention, Queen!" My science teacher, Ms. Harvey shouted at me. A wave of laughter crashed over the class. I looked at the floor in search of what hit my head. A dictionary was laying, opened on the ground. I picked it up as Ms. Harvey glared at me. "Someone threw this at me." I explained, but she just shook her head. "I don't believe that. See me after school. We must talk about your habit of lying to your teacher." Ms. Harvey growled. I groaned and clutched my head.


The bell rang, and I ran to my history class. Mr. Barrett was the only teacher who actually liked me. "Hello, Queen!" Mr. Barrett greeted me in his usual friendly tone with a warm smile. "Hello, Mr. Barrett!" I smiled back as I took my usual seat at the far left of the class. My best friend had just moved away, so the only seat next to me was empty. "Alrighty, time for attendance!" Mr. Barrett smiled as he opened the website for our school's attendance. As Mr. Barrett called out each of the student's names, I couldn't wait to hear mine because it made me feel like if I wasn't there, someone was going to notice. "Queen?" Mr. Barrett asked. "Not here!" A popular girl, Lydia Hobbletown shouted, causing the class to erupt into laughter. "Detention!" Mr. Barrett shouted. "But it wasn't me!" Lydia exclaimed in mock surprise. "Lying to a teacher...a week's worth of detention." Mr. Barrett sighed as he sent the attendance chart. "Anyways, hello, class!" Mr. Barrett clapped his hands together. "Hello, Mr. Barrett!" The class said in unison. "Today we are going to have a new student!" Mr. Barrett smiled, and the class either cheered or yelled, "Boo!". "His name is Luke Wood, and he just came here from N.C.. Who knows where N.C. is?" Mr. Barrett asked. "Uranus!" Lydia coughed. "Two weeks worth of detention." Mr. Barrett sighed as he wrote something down on a notepad. Then a boy walked in, he was tall, fit, he looked smart, and his eyes roamed the class, as if searching for something. I saw Lydia's eyes widen, and I knew she had a crush. Gross. Lydia shoved Margaret Redwood, the school's smart girl (which every student knew did her homework) who sat next to her out of her seat, clearing a chair for Luke. Luke eyed all of the empty seats, excluding the one next to me. Then he sighed with a smile. "Go ahead." I thought as I wrote new codes in my notebook. "Sit next to the popular bit-" My thought was cut off when Luke spoke. "Oi, Mr. Barrett, can I sit next to her?" Luke asked in his calm British accent. I looked up, only to see he wasn't pointing at Lydia, but at me.

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