"Single" Lives

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It'd been three months without Dan.

Some birthdays had passed, as well.

Many fans questioned us, but word got out.

The nights alone in bed, yet across the hall from everything I needed, were excruciatingly painful.

Elise and Phil were still happily in love.

But as for Dan, he'd found someone else.

Her name was Tiffani.

She was a pretty blonde with bright green eyes.

I'm not saying I was jealous, but I certainly wasn't happy.

I missed him.

I was always taught to forgive and forget, but this time, I'd had it hard.

One afternoon, I was at the boys' place, playing video games with Phil.

We'd been playing co-op Mario, and Dan had gone out to eat with his whore-I mean, Tiffani.

Phil had just lost his last life in Mario, and he was cheering me on.

I sat on the couch, almost winning the last battle, when Dan walked in.

I heard the high pitched giggles.

Then a sickening kissing noise.

My eyelids drooped.

"I'll be back whenever he's gone," I whispered to Phil.

He grabbed my wrist.

"(Y/n)," he whispered back, "You can't always avoid him."

"Well, I'm doing a hell of a good job doing it," I snapped back.

I yanked my arm loose, an walked out.

But, lucky me, I always fuck up.

Dan was right in the doorway of the lounge, and we bumped into each other.

"Ew, who's that?" Tiffani flipped her crimped hair.

Dan looked at me, and frowned.

"Someone I miss," he whispered enough so only I could hear it.

"What, baby-bear?" She said, latching onto his arm.

"A friend," he said, smiling at his girlfriend, not touching her in response.

"Let's go into your room," she bubbled.

"I'm actually quite tired, you.. Mind going home?" He said cold.

She looked hurt, her eyes wide, eyebrows furrowed, and mouth in an 'o'.

"Fine," she shot back, glaring at me.

Storming out of the house, she hit my shoulder with hers, hard.

I was still frozen.

Like always, with Dan.

"Hey," he said.

"Hi,"I replied.

He opened his arms up warmly for a hug, when Tiffani barged back in.

"Forgot my bag, babe," she said, kissing him intensely.

She glared once more, then left.

As Dan's arms closed, and he wiped his mouth, disgusted.

"I'm so sorry," he said.

"I am, aswell," I replied.

"I guess you understand why I was 'dating' her," he spoke.

I smiled.

We stood there in silence, until Dan spoke.

"Please, give me a second chance," he almost started crying.

I thought about it.

"Okay," I smiled. "Of course."

"Yay!" Phil and Elise screamed out of the lounge, camera in hand.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" I screamed, then covered my mouth, giggling.

Dan wrapped his arms around me.

"You don't know how long I've wanted for this," he sniffed.

The other couple 'aww'-ed.

"What about.. Her?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Yeah.." He said. "Um.. She was just an.."

"Excuse?" I questioned.

He smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

"Well," he looked at his feet. "Yeah, basically."

"So none of that was real?"

"Um, no."

"Does she know that."


I looked at him.

"Just.. Promise me it won't ever happen again," I said.

"I swear."

"Pinky promise."

He chuckled.

"I'm serious!"

He held out his finger, and we swore.

Elise fake coughed.

"Took you long enough," she said, smirking. "C'mon, honey, let's leave them alone."

And with that, they left.

Dan held my hand into the bedroom.

I'm pretty sure you can infer what we did for the night.


Whoops, sorry if you hate me, take the guns from my head. :3 my plot twists ehehehe. Vote, Follow, and Comment, yeah? <3

And a Pinch of Love (a Dan Howell x Reader Fanfiction)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat