A News About a Guest and a Christmas Tree

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(If you don't celebrate Christmas, I'm sorry. Skip this chapter, but Elise is my sister and she's coming over to visit, okay?)

It had been about two months since Dan and I had gotten together.

We went on dates every now and then, but things got boring, not necessarily in the relationship, but in overall life.

My YouTube channel had grown, but I just got bored.

Dan could relate, as could Phil.

It was near Christmas time, as it was December 9th.

I decided to bring something new to the table.

"Hey," I said into the phone.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n) is that really you?" The voice said back.

"Yeah, Elise, it is!" I almost squealed.

Elise is my older sister. After many minutes of talking, we agreed.

She'd be coming to London.

I told her Dan's interests, as well as Phil's, for gift ideas.

I started to decorate little things.

Then, I got a call from Dan.

"Hello, love," he spoke into the phone.

"Hi, how are you?" I asked him.

"Great, okay, so I was wondering if you wanted to come by and help Phil and I put up our Christmas tree?" Dan asked.

I laughed, "of course, hun, I was going to ask you, later."

"Be over whenever, we have the decorations out." Dan told me.

"Alright, I love you."

"Love you too."


And he hung up.

I decided since it was 11:00 I could I go ahead and get ready.

I took a shower and lazily put my hair into a bun.

I put on nice enough clothes for a video and walked over there.

"Hey, we were just about to start," Phil said, giving me a hug.

"Back off," Dan said laughing.

"Never!" Phil said, putting me in a loose hostage position, then letting me go.

Being quite short, I felt like an ant to them.

I'm only 5'4!

We started laughing, then Dan set up the camera and lighting.

"Hello, internet!" Dan said, smiling.

Without him noticing, I grabbed a Santa hat, and shoved it on him.

"And this is the video where I kill (y/n)! He said laughing a horrible evil laugh.

"Not today mother fucker," I said shoving him, laughing, "Phil, what are we doing today?" I asked playfully, including the blue eyed boy.

"We're putting up our apartment's Christmas tree!" He said full of energy.

We all scrunched up our faces and got all excited.

Dan shifted the hat, and said the rest of the intro.

And we shot the video just like that.

It was time to hang the lights, and Phil did the cutest thing.

"Christmas light attack!" He said, quickly wrapping Dan and I up in the lights, as they were plugged in.

"Now?" I asked.

"Now," he said.

He told the (very obvious) fact that Dan and I were in a relationship.

We kissed in the lights. And Phil was being odd in the background, as he lifted the angel saying, "I bless this couple."

Then, Dan and I got untangled and put the lights on the tree.

We all laughed, and Phil put the angel on the tree.

Dan said the outro, and we all three did the sexy end-screen dance.

Then, off he went to edit, and Phil and I played video games for hours on end, us constantly going back and forth winning and losing.

(If you want updates, comment! >_< vote & follow, loves!)

And a Pinch of Love (a Dan Howell x Reader Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt