the toy box killer

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Cynthia vigil was working as a sex worker in Albequerque in 1999 when she crossed passes with David parker ray. He offered her 30 dollars for oral sex , and the two went to his trailer.
A man was waiting there to help ray kidnap cynthia.

She was bound and gagged , and a metal collar was placed around her neck. They drove for more than an hour. When they stopped they took cynthia into a different trailer.

She was chained to a bedpost and a audiotape was played for her.on the tape was the voice of David parker ray.
He explains to her the reason for her kidnapping and just where he has taken her.

Like other women before her, cynthia was held in  David parker's "toy box".
From the outside it looked like a simple trailer.

But in the inside it held all of Ray's favourite "toys"

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But in the inside it held all of Ray's favourite "toys"

- sirenge, needles
- sex toys
- a fur-lined coffin
- and various torture device's

- sirenge, needles- sex toys- a fur-lined coffin - and various torture device's

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In the centre of the room is a gynecological chair. Wich been outfitted with electrical shockers. And has a mirror suspended above it.

In the tape David explains that she has been kidnapped to be his sex slave.he details the torture and abuse that he intends to inflict upon her during her captivity.he details the torture and abuse that he intends to inflict upon her during her captivity.

He goes on about the rules she will have to follow and assures her that he will kill her if she doesn't comply. Just as he has killed others before her.

He tells her that she will be expected to also service his girlfriend , a woman named cindy hendy.he instructed her that they are to be called " master" and " mistress ".

He sais that occasionally she will be raped by his friends. Just as he has done to the girls he has kidnapped.

If she does as she is told, the tape goes on to say, her captors  will eventually tire of using her , so she will be drugged  into amnesia and dropped inside of the road somewhere.

If she does not do as she has been told she will be killed and dumped in a canyon to rot.

the toy box killerWhere stories live. Discover now