'Laughter is not a currency or something to be prized from a person, but a gift. A gift which you give freely, and help others to find within themselves.

'"To move forward is to live, to stand still is to lose yourself" those are the words you bolstered me with in the first week of living here with you. There were many moments when I wanted to put a pause on things. The first official photos, the parade, King Ferdinand of Spain's seventy fifth birthday celebrations - I was convinced I'd forgotten how to dance - and, occasionally, even going to school.

'But every single time you have been there to hold my hand and keep me moving and walking, or dancing. I am so happy you found me and welcomed me into your life and heart, and into our family.

'The life you have included me in is never boring. When you have afternoons off I never know if I'm going to find you in a dressed down suit, or frayed joggers, an oversized t-shirt and the fluffy, monster foot shaped slippers given to you by Princess Catherine. Or that Trolls t-shirt from the eighties that you insist is a good look. It's not a good look. Then there's the time you, Prince George and some school friends wanted a quick round of golf, but had very little time before the rain came and the golf buggy broke. So you ran between the holes and arrived back at Balmoral muddy, sweaty, out of breath, freezing cold and somehow the first thing we saw when looking at you was your steel blue tweed golfing shorts and mustard yellow socks.

'Fashion is clearly something you should not be allowed to have an opinion on.'

'But as well as pushing yourself physically, you have a formidable mental fortitude. Most people see your strength in physical ways like joining in with sports when you visit people and places, or in your ability to speak to everyone. I see it also as mental strength which you apply to all aspects of life. Millie said to me once "the desire to do enables the ability to do" and I see that in you every day. The conviction that you can if you want, no matter other people's expectations and the obstacles before you. Terrible golf shorts and socks or not.

'The first time we met you were in a much more sensible pair of jeans and a t-shirt, and I remember the first time you changed from casual to King. It was when we were in a meeting the day I arrived and you called me Princess Caroline for the first time. A moment before you'd been Dad in businessmode, and then you were King. It was a side of you I had never seen before, at least not in person, and it was equally impressive and daunting. But your eyes and smile were the same. King or not. And that is the way you are.

'You are King, and brother and uncle, son, grandson and father in equal parts, at different times, at the same time. Always. You have done this by going your own way and paving your own path with determination and consideration.

'According to the people who know you best, you are a successful uncle, brother, son, grandson, nephew and friend, and I can say you are the most wonderful father I could have ever hoped for, although when playing Risk you're a terrible loser.

'You are a great revision buddy and time keeper. A good running partner and football trick opponent. You're a passable cook, a, let us say, enthusiastic cake decorator. You are always there for me, and always define the right words to bolster me and encourage me. You are my hero.

'You could ask anyone who knows you your place in the family, and they will say you are our beating heart and soul. You connect us all in laughter, are our rock whenever we're facing any kind of difficulties, and are the person we all believe in the most.

'Sometimes at first meeting, people strike the perfect note. Back when I was Gabby, the orphan kid down the road, I knew of you only as the King. But, as with every time you meet someone, you struck the right note. Faded jeans, falling apart trainers, a t-shirt that was beginning to wear thin, a little too much unconscious nearly singing when making food for my friend's birthday party. And you more so than anyone have help me find my footing here in this world which once was yours and now is mine too.

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