"Yes I promised my friend I'd get him ice-cream" Jisung's mother laughed

"Have a good day" Renjun bowed and left

Renjun took a bus back home, he could've walked but that would take to much energy and he was lazy. His phone started ringing while on the bus, he didn't want to answer it since it's awkward to be on the phone while on a bus.

"Chenle I'll call you back later I'm on the bus" Renjun said

"I just wanted to say can you get cake instead of ice-cream" Renjun rolled his eyes and said yes

When the bus made the next stop Donghyuck got on, he looked straight at Renjun and smiled and walked over

"What are you doing here so early" Renjun said 

"I think I should ask you that too" Renjun rolled his eyes and moved over so Donghyuck could sit next to him

"Well me and Mark had a fight so I stayed with my dad and he stayed with his best friend" Renjun nodded

"That's why you two cancelled yesterday" Donghyuck nodded

"Next time you can always call me I have a spare room and I could use company other than Chenle" Donghyuck chuckled and nodded

"So what are you doing here" Donghyuck asked again

Renjun explained what happened with Chenle and then how he has to go buy him food. "So do you believe that Jisung will do the right thing" Renjun nodded

"I have to get off on the next stop what about you" Renjun asked

"Same I'll go with you to buy food for Chenle" Renjun smiled, they got up when their stop came and walked to Parks café

"What flavour should I get" Renjun asked Donghyuck

"Chocolate obviously" Renjun laughed and order a chocolate cake

They walked to Renjun's apartment building "Do you live here" Donghyuck asked and Renjun nodded

"No way this is where Mark is staying his best friend lives here on the tenth floor" Donghyuck said

"Shit I live on the tenth floor too" Donghyuck laughed and they walked inside

"Hyuckie your back it's been forever" A girl said running up to Donghyuck and hugging him

"Yeri I'm sorry I didn't call you sooner I was busy" Donghyuck said

"Nah it's fine I saw Mark come here yesterday did you two fight" Donghyuck nodded

"Who is that" Yeri whispered to Donghyuck

"Yeri meet Renjun" Renjun bowed and said hello

"Oh and he's respectful too make sure you keep him" Yeri whispered the last bit

"Irene was telling me about you didn't you just move here with that friend of yours" Renjun nodded

"You two probably have to go I'll see you later" She said before running back to where her friends were

"She nice" Renjun said

"Yeah anyway she's a hundred percent lesbian so don't think about it" Donghyuck said

"God no she's not really my type" Donghyuck laughed

"So are Jeno and Jaemin your type" Donghyuck asked

"What are you implying" Renjun pressed the button on the elevator

"I'm not implying anything I'm legit asking you if you like them or not" Renjun laughed

"For one I've known them for like a whole day and two I don't really care for relationships" Donghyuck sighed

"Believe me I caught feelings for Mark after talking to him once although it did take me a long time to figure out what I wanted" Renjun sighed

"How is this relevant" Donghyuck chuckled

"I'm just saying catching feelings are easy knowing what you want is the hard part" They got off on the tenth floor

"When you know what you want you should go for it" Donghyuck said before going the opposite direction to Renjun

"He has no idea what he's talking about" Renjun muttered to himself and knocked on his door

"Renjun your back you can watch he is Psychometric with me" Renjun chuckled, he had seen the show before but Chenle hadn't

"You took a long time what'd you really do" Chenle asked

"I went to see Jisung and before you say anything I did not kill him" Chenle rolled his eyes

"You didn't do anything stupid did you" Renjun shook his head

"Don't worry I just told him what an idiot he is" Chenle laughed and pressed play on the show

"Your already up to episode eleven" Renjun sighed

"I watched it last night and this morning I have not slept" Renjun hit him on the back of the head

"Tonight I'm hiding everything and you'll go to sleep" Chenle laughed and agreed

"Why was I added into a Instagram group called Homiesexuals last night" Renjun laughed

"Mark Jeno Donghyuck Jaemin Jisung and me are in it as well so I think it's because we're all friends now" Chenle nodded

"Your mum called she want's us to come over for dinner on Sunday she wants us to meet her old best friend" Renjun nodded

"Now can you shut up and eat I want to watch" Renjun said and Chenle rolled his eyes but stopped talking anyway


Hello lovelies

How are you I hope you're doing well and taking care of yourselves and remembering to eat well 

My mum calls me a child everytime I ask her to get me dinosaur nuggets but then when I tell her she can't buy something because it is useless and is just gonna collect dust she says I'm no fun. This lady needs to get her priorities straight

🥰I love you all so much❤️

I hope you are have a good day or night

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