Chapter 7: Ogre Stronghold!

Start from the beginning

Draven then noticed that there was still some movement in the stronghold. "Narberal, it appears we still have work to do, it appears I was unable to wipe them all out." Draven said as he looked at the stronghold with a trained eye. "Lord Draven, shall I take care of these pests?" Narberal asked as she waited for Draven's orders. "Narberal, please assist me in this battle." Draven said as a smile spread across Narberal's face. Narberal flew into the air as she shed her adventurer clothes and was now dressed in her maid armor. Electricity was crackling around her.

                "You pests shall be eradicated in the name of Nazarick." Narberal said as she generated lightning between her hands before she shot it at the stronghold. The lightning took the form of a dragon that tore through the stronghold, killing all Ogres in its path. Narberal landed next to Draven before bowing to him. "Lord Draven, all life has been eliminated in the stronghold." Narberal said as she awaited Draven's orders. "We should check the stronghold for anything useful. You never know what could have been kept here." Draven said as he and Narberal made their way towards the Stronghold.

Draven and Narberal looked around the stronghold for anything that could bring back to Nazarick. Draven found what appeared to be a treasure room that holds a rather large sum of gold and jewels. "Narberal it appears we have a some money down here." Draven said as he waited for a response from the maid. Draven heard something shift behind him as he turned around to see an Ogre that had survived the attack. The Ogre roared in rage as he swung his club towards Draven. Draven rolled out of the way of the attack before running out of the room.

Draven then noticed two more Ogres that survived the attack and he wondered how they survived. "Narberal must be held up with a few other survivors." Draven thought to himself as he realized that he's surrounded by the three Ogres. Draven dodges the attack of one of the Ogres, but is hit in the back by another one of them. Draven was sent rolling across the ground. "Ow, okay this is irritating! Think Draven, how do you get yourself out of this one?" Draven thought to himself as he watched the three Ogres charge at him. "Veil of Obsidian!" Draven shouted as a magic barrier that was jet black appeared in front of Draven as the Ogres attack.

The Ogres began to violently attack the magic wall, as Draven racked his brain for a spell that could kill all three of them in one shot. "Come on Draven you've been pouring over spell books for the past week!" Draven thought to himself as cracks started to appear in his barrier. "There has to be something..... that's it!" Draven thought as he finally had an idea to get out of this terrible situation. Draven raised his staff as he began charging up a spell. The barrier finally shattered as the Ogres closed in on Draven, ready to kill him to avenge their brethren.

"Abyssal Detonation!" Draven shouted as a purple magic circle underneath the Ogres as it began to glow brightly. Suddenly an explosion of dark magic engulfed the three Ogres as they were vaporized completely.

 Suddenly an explosion of dark magic engulfed the three Ogres as they were vaporized completely

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Draven let out a sigh of relief before dropping to his knees in pain. "Lord Draven!" Narberal tan up to him with worry present on her face. "Narberal I'm fine, just got hit by one of their clubs." Draven said as he stood up, but let out a sharp inhale of pain in the process. "Lord Draven hold still, I'll tend to your injuries." Narberal said as she gently placed her hands on Draven back before chanting a healing spell that relieved him of his pain.

Draven and Narberal collected everything of value before making their way back to the Guild to turn in the quest and get their reward. Draven could tell that Narberal was worried about him getting hurt. "Narberal, don't worry I promise to explain the situation to father that my injury was no fault of yours." Draven said as he hopes to put the maid's mind at ease. "Lord Draven, I failed to protect you, I deserve whatever punishment Lord Ainz sees fit." Narberal said as Draven noticed that Narberal was genuinely upset she failed to protect him from harm. "Narberal, please relax, I don't blame you for what happened." Draven said as he once again tried to give Narberal peace of mind.

               Draven kept his eyes on Narberal as she stood in front of his father, he had spoken to him in private before he brought Narberal into the throne room. "Narberal, your mission was to ensure Draven's safety on his first outing as an adventurer. Draven was injured during the attack on the Ogre Stronghold." Ainz said as Narberal flinched as she looked down in shame at her own failure. "That being said, Draven said that you not only healed his wounds, but followed his commands while attacking the stronghold. Narberal you were successful in your mission." Ainz said as Narberal's eyes widened in surprise as she was successful in her mission.

                Draven was in his room getting ready for bed when he heard a knock on his bedroom door. "Lord Draven, May I enter?" Narberal said from the other side of the door. "Come in Narberal." Draven said as the maid walked in as she approached him. "I wish to apologize to you Lord Draven, my treatment of you was completely misguided." Narberal said as she bowed to him. Draven gently wrapped his arms around Narberal and pulled her into a hug. "I forgive you Narberal. Also if you'd be willing, could you continue to teach me magic?" Draven asked as he smiled at Narberal. "It would be my pleasure Lord Draven." Narberal said as she returned his smile before helping him get ready for bed.

So Draven was in combat for the first time and he and Narberal have made amends! I also have a question for all of you, should Draven create his own equivalent of a floor guardian? If so what should it be? This would most likely be an assistant of sorts, but could still fight. What will Draven discover next in Nazarick? Who will he spend time with next? What is the next step in the conquest? Find out in the next chapter of Overlord: Child of the Library!

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