Chapter 4

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Bokutos POV
I was sitting at my desk, sharpening my knife. Akaashi sat
By me, typing on his computer. "Akaashi, how do you think that Washio is going to kill that guy?"
I asked randomly. He looked up at me.
"I dont know. He is pretty unique when it cones to assassination. But he migh-"
Suddenly, my phone rang. I picked it up to see who was calling.
It read 'the fox'
It was (fn)
She never calls anyone, so it must me urgent.
I picked up, and spoke in I teasing voice.
"Calling cause you miss my voice?" I said teasingly
I put the phone on speaker for akaashi to hear, showing him the name of whos calling.
All i could hear is panting.
"Bokuto I need help" (fn) spoke.
Akaashi was now paying attention.
"Are you ok? Whays going on? Where are you?" I asked concerningly.
I nodded at akaashi, and he nodded back. He got up to go get the guys and their weapons.
"Listen im being chased by Iwaizumi. Ill tell you the rest im near your area and cant get home. He might of called backup and I do- AHHHH!" SHE SCREAMED
I sat up concerned, poening my drawr to grab my gun and go outside.
"(FN) WHATS GOING ON!?" I exclaimed."
"Listen I'm hurt. Im almost at your gate, i need help. Im sorry" she said while panting.
"HE IS RIGHT BEHIND ME! IM ALMOST THE-" she yelled before getting cut off.
The phone hung up.
I grabbed my gun and walked out of my office, and saw the other guys grabbing their guns.
"Lets head out guys. (Fn) needs help. Aoba Josai is out there"
We all go outside.
Akaashi was inside the house, on a balcony with his sniper rifle.
Me and the others stood at the gate.
"Do you see them akaashi?"
You say into your earpiece.
"Coming from the left. Be ready" he replied.
The gates opened, as i walked out. I could see (fn) running.
I pulled out my gun, and lointed it at the guy behind her.
Definitely from Aoba Josai.
Their blue vest sticks out from a thousand miles away.
"Come on (fn)!" I yelled.
Sarukui ran down amd picked her up amd ran inside, leaving me to point the gun at the guy.
I knew him.
It was Haijme Iwaizumi.
"Hey you" I taunted at him.
He looked up at me coldly.
"Akaashi, leave it to me" I spoke into my earpiece.
"Ok" he replied calmly.
I grinned at him slyly, still pointing the gun twoards him.
"What are you doing around here" I said.
No reply.
I didnt shoot.
I dont want do cause huge drama between Aoba Josai and Us.
" You have 25 seconds to get out of here alive" I exclaimed, cocking my gun.
He nodded emotionless, and turned around.
A car pulled up, as he got in, and they sped away.
Note to self: small grey Subaruû.
I put my gun down, still smiling knowing that we just saved someone i like.
I turned around, telling the guys that we are good. When we walk inside, I see sarukui holding his shirt around (yn)s shoulder.
"(Yn) are you ok?" I asked, while signaling Onaga to get First aid stuff.
Her eyes were closed shut.
She had blood on her face. She had a hickey on her neck.
She opened them, to a worried yet blank face, with small tears wealding up in her (ec) eyes.
Onaga came back and took off her hoodie. There was a slice against her shoulder. Nothing bad.
"Ok, we can get you fixed up but when were done, could you tell me what happened." I said in a more calm tone.

"HE DID THAT TO YOU!?"I exclaimed in shock
"Yeah. I was coming back from Karasuno, and was getting shot at. He said that his goal was to bring me back to Aoba Josai alive, but he wanted some 'time together'" she said quietly. I knew she was holding back in detail.
She actually faked seducing him to get away?
And it worked?
There must be some secret history that i dont know.
But oh well, if she doesnt want me to know, then I wont force her.
Although im curious.
"Look, I know you aren't looking to join any team, but you shiuld consider. You could be one of the best. And besides, this proably wouldnt have happened under my watch" I grunted.
She looked at me, and smiled ti herself. Actually genuinely
"Well.... Thank you so much for helping me, and I'm sorry to drag you guys into this, and I wish i could, I just....." She stopped.
I sat there in silence, waiting for her to continue.
"Im scared"
"What do you mean?" Akaashi asked walking into the room with a blanket
She looked up at him, then down.
She stopped. I knew she didnt want to get too personal.
"Hey. Its ok, if you dont want us to know, thats fine" I said, smiling in hopes to make her feel better.
"Well thats the thing. I trust you guys since we have known each other for a long time." She said.
"After we lost contact for a while, its because..... I was with Aoba Josai."
I was shocked.
I cant believe it.
But it whats in the past is in the past.
She closed her eyes and looked down in shame, expecting to get yelled at or something.
"That's ok. What did they do to you?" Akaashi asked.
She looked up in disbelief as she wasnt yelled at.
"They used m- you arent mad?" She asked
I gaver her a look that said 'of course not'
"Why would we be?" I said
I then waked up to her after grabbing the blanket from akaashi and draped it iver her shoulders. I then gave her a gentle hug.
She then brought her small arms under mine and leaned her head in.
I guess she needed this.

Iwaizumis pov
I didnt actually think that I would be tricked.
But it was my dumb self who fell for her again. I let her trick me, before she cut me and pushed me.
When i hit the ground, all of the aor got knocked out of me.
It hurt.
But (fn) was gonna get away.
I couldnt let that happen.
I got up and grabbed the knife that she left on top of the box.
We needed her.
I needed her.
I got up and ran after her.
By the time I hopped the fence, she was on the phone.
I had to catch her, but these dumb clothes made it impossible to run.
She was running twoards Fukurodani territory.
Does she know them?
I guess so.
I hope they are not close.
In desperation of slowing her down, I threw the knife.
I really dodnt want to hurt her.
She screamed.
I wanted to smack myself for hurting her like that. She slowed down, but only a little. I saw the base. I was too late. I pushed a button on my watch to send my location to Oikawa.
(Fn) was suddenly carried by a guy inside the Gates, leaving a gun pointed at me.
The Captain.
Bokuto Kourtaro.
He asked me things, but I kept quiet.
He said something into his earpiece.
I knew it was his sniper.
Eventually, he let me run since he didnt want to cause A problem, and a car picked me up.
I got in, catching my breath.
Oikawa looked at me through the rear veiw mirror.
"What happened"
I looked at him, then out to the window.
I wiped the blood from my cheek.
"Here" oikawa said, tossing back a first aid kit.
I bandaged my face and arm, still quiet.
"She got away." I said coldly
"I see that. She is a fighter" he chuckled.
"We need her back if she managed to escape you. Thats talent."he said.
We drove back to the fort, where I lay on my bed.
I rubbed my cheek where she cut it.
I smiled to myself.
"I'll get you back, (yn). Not a promise, but a statement"


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