Chapter 57 - The Battle

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I nodded and walked into the cafeteria. There were already a lot of people in here probably the most I've ever seen. I grabbed a tray and walked to where you get the food. Even though there were so many people in the cafeteria, there was still so much food left over which I could take. I grabbed a bacon sandwich and a coffee and sat down next to Mccree, Ashe and Sombra.

"Howdy Lena." Mccree said as I sat down.

"Hiya luvs." I said. We all just sat there in silence for a second.

"What's the plan?" Ashe asked.

"Doomfist is attacking the UN headquarters later today. Once we've all eaten, we're heading there to set up defences. Hayden's set the ARC there and they're already set up and waiting."

Ashe nodded as we continued to eat our food. Eventually, Jack walked into the cafeteria and stood at that front.

"Good morning everyone. As most of you can tell, something big is happening today, which it is. Today is the day which Doomfist is attacking. Although he was killed by the slayer a while back, the arch demon Erebus has resurrected him as a demonic slayer. Today we must fight him, for if we do not, then all life on this planet will die." Jack started walking around the room. "You might've also noticed some, familiar faces around the place, some more unwelcome than others." He said as he grabbed Gabriel's hand and made him stand up. "Several Talon agents have joined us in our fight against doomfist. If you Talon agents could please stand up." As he said that, Sombra, widowmaker, Moira and Sigma all stood up and looked around at everyone. "They realised what would happen if doomfist lives and so have joined our side to fight. This battle will not be easy, even with their help. Doomfist has the entire of hell's armies behind him and the power of the devil himself. Many of us will die, but we have no other choice. We must hold out and not give in to him. We are earth's only hope for survival, and we must protect it and those we love with our lives." He walked over and looked down at me. "You might be wondering what the plan is. The plan is to kill anything which tries to kill you. None of us can kill doomfist, but the slayer can and we must defend until he returns. Samuel Hayden's ARC are fighting for us as well. They are already ready to fight. Once you've finished your food, get everything you need to fight and rally outside the main gate. From there we will arrange the more precise details. You have 2 hours." Jack walked off and left the cafeteria. Everyone stayed quiet but they eventually started talking again.

"So luvs." I said. "Ahead of us we've got the biggest battle of our lives. I'm going to get going now as I have some business to attend to. Good luck out there." I stood up and walked out of the cafeteria. I went back into my room and sat on my bed and closed my eyes. I thought about (y/n) and tried to speak to him.

"Lena?" I heard in my head.

"(Y/n)?" I said out loud.

"Lena you must be ready. Doomfist will show no mercy, but neither must you. You will have to kill anyone who tries to harm you, for I need your help to kill him."

"I promise (y/n)."

"Good. It will not be long now until Erebus has been slain. All you need to do is fight like hell until I return. Once I've returned, the battle will have been won. Until then, good luck Lena."

"Thank you. I love you (y/n)."

"I love you too Lena."

I opened my eyes to see Angela sitting on the bed putting her combat gear on. She'd just finished putting her helmet thing on and she looked at me.

"Another vision of (y/n)?" She said.

"Yes. He is alive, I promise you."

Angela shook her head and sighed.

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