Chapter Thirteen - Orpa and Fadelle

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a new chapter!

hope you guys are liking this fanfiction so far! theres heaps more to come!


I walked out into the living room, to find all the boys lying around all over the room watching Love Actually. Harry's choice probably. This place was filthy and Orpa and Fadelle were arriving in three hours! This is ridiculous. I glanced over at the kitchen. Plates stacked high at the sink, grease smudged all around the stove, chip packets lying around, the kitchen looks like a bomb hit it. 

"Guys!" I yelled. All the boys whipped their heads around to me. Jade laid there sleeping blissfully in Harry's arms. 

"Are you serious?" I pointed towards the kitchen, gesturing that it was dirty.

Louis raised an eyebrow at me. "Yeah, what about it?"

"It's filthy! Clean it up, or at least help me clean it. Orpa and Fadelle are coming in three hours."

"Come on, lads." Niall exclaimed, helping Zayn up off the groud. 

"I can't move, I have Jade on me." Harry said.

"Oh well, wake her up." I said.

"Calm do-" I cut Louis off by glaring at him. 

Okay, I was being a bit harsh on them. Let's just say it's that time of the month and no way was I in a good mood. 

Niall walked towards me, placing a hand on my back calmly. I sighed. I really don't need this. I just need them to clean up. 

"Is everything okay, Urs?"

"Niall, I'm fine. I just don't want Orpa and Fadelle coming here and thinking that we're absolute pigs." 

"They won't. They're your best friends. They won't care probably." He smiled.

"True, but still, I don't want this place to be a pigsty when they arrive."

"Okay, I'll help clean up." He smiled again.

"Thank you," I smiled back at him. 

All the boys helped clean up, stacked the dishwasher, scrubbed the benches, tables, stove, mopped the floor, vacuumed the carpets and cleaned the couch. 

After an hour, the place was spotless. I was in a better mood for that. 

I glanced up at the clock and noticed that we still had two hours. We all slumped back on the couch, trying not to make a mess, and watched Toy Story 3. I loved this movie. 

"We will always have each other," I quoted. All the boys gave me confused looks and laughed. I rested my head on the back of the couch and sighed. I felt myself drifting off to sleep. I was so tired. I was glad I didn't have jet lag anymore. 

I was woke by a pair of hands gripping tightly around my waist. I opened my eyes, and noticed Niall looking at me. I smiled at the sight of him. 

He walked out of my view as I saw Orpa and Fadelle sitting on the couch across from me. I bounced off the couch ran towards them. I hugged Orpa tightly and then hugged Fadelle. 

"I missed you guys so much! I'm just so happy to see you! Ah!" I squealed.

The boys laughed at me. 

"It's really good to see you too!" Fadelle smiled.

"Your hair has grown so much, El!" I exclaimed, stroking Fadelle's hair. We all called her El. It was  her nickname. 

"So has yours!" She smiled.

I greeted Orpa after Jade had hugged her, all of us getting over-excited. 

"So are you going to introduce us to your famous friends or are you just going to leave us hanging." Orpa laughed.

"Oh! Right, sorry," I apologised and turned towards the boys. "Louis, Niall, Liam, Zayn and Harry, this is Orpa and Fadelle." 

"Hi girls!" the boys sang happily.

"You can go and hug Zayn, Orpa, don't be afraid." I whispered into her ear and gave her a little shove.

"Hi, Zayn!" Orpa smiled, hugging him tightly.

"Hi, Orpa, how are you?" 

"I'm good, yourself?" 

"Yeah, pretty good." He smiled brightly at her and she blushed.

Orpa was always really good at handling with famous people. Whereas, Jade wasn't so much. 

All the boys gave Orpa and Fadelle hugs. Once the girls were done, we all went upstairs and talked about the boys.

Jade told them all about what happened on New Years, which happened a week ago. 

I hadn't actually told anyone about Niall kissing me on New Years. So I thought now would be perfect.

"So, Ursula, tell us what happened on New Years for you. Get a kiss from a special Nialler?" Orpa winked.

"Well," I began.

"Oh my goodness, she actually did! I knew that was going to happen!" Jade squealed.

"Quiet down, Jade. Don't want the boys to hear!" 

"Okay, tell tell!" Fadelle smiled, gesturing me to tell the story everyone was busting to hear.

"Well, everyone was counting down, and then when it got to number ten, I sat up, not expecting anything and Niall sat up to and then when it got to three then he grabbed me around my waist, spun me around and gazed into my eyes, then when it got to one, he kissed me." I explained dramatically, smiling at the last part and leaving the girls to squeak every time I paused.

"Oh my gosh, you two are meant to be!" Orpa looked at me amazed.

"No, I'm sure we're not."

"Why?! He likes you and you like him!" 

"How do you know that, Orpa?" 

"Oh please, it obvious, we've been here for not even three hours and I can see it, he's so into you, and plus, it's all over the Internet, you are Niall's princess."

I blushed. I liked that name. Shame it wasn't true.

"Well I'm going by Jade's theory here!" 

"And what is that?" Fadelle asked.

"You guys know my theory!" Jade laughed, "Boys ask girls, not the other way around."

"Oh, that theory." Orpa said loudly.

"Don't do that! Just go for it, he'll jumpo at the chance for a date with you!" Fadelle said.

"No, it's more romantic when if he asks me." I said impatiently.

"We'll help you then." 

"No! Please don't. I like the level we're on, please don't change that. If you girls say anything to him about this conversation, I will kill the three of you." I laughed.

"So do you wan't to be his girlfriend?" They asked.

"Yeah, more than anything," I confessed, "But I don't want you to get involved."

They all sighed and smiled, agreeing to what I said.

We all went back downstairs to find the boys watching Paranormal Activity. Jade ran back upstairs, she was so afraid of scary movies. Harry followed her and left the boys. 

We all sat and watched the rest of it.

If they ever said anything to Niall about what we talked about, I won't be happy. It would change everything and I love where we're at right now. 



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