"That's your only shot, dude." I nodded, knowing he was right. Together we walked towards the kitchen. Laughter filled the space, the sound lyrical in my ears. It wasn't my sister's. It was the first time I'd heard my mate laugh. And I wasn't the one who'd caused it. Sadness filled me even as the sound of her laughter sent chills through my body, the happy, whimsical, sound literally music to my ears.

When I saw her in the kitchen her head was tilted back, mouth hanging open as she husked out more laughter. "What's so funny?" Michael asked, walking behind Kaylee and wrapping his arms around her.

"Nothing," they squeaked out at the same time before they bubbled with laughter again. Shaking my head I watched my sister interact with her mate. She turned in his arms, letting him wrap her in a hug while he buried his face in her neck, inhaling her scent where his mark lay on her skin. I wanted that. I wanted to be able to do that with Averie. To be so familiar and comfortable with each other that I could wrap my arms around her without questioning if she would let me, or if she even wanted me to. To see my mark on her skin.

"I brought Chinese food," Kaylee said, disentangling herself from Michael. Averie started opening cupboards looking for plates and cups. She'd only been in the kitchen twice since she'd been here, not really enough time to explore. I couldn't decide if I should help her or not. If I didn't she might think I'm even more of an ass than she already does, but if I did she might think I don't think her capable.

"Do you want me to show you where everything is?" I asked, choosing a third option. Let her decide what she wanted from me.

"Sure," she replied softly. Kaylee and Michael carried the food to the dining room, leaving us alone. I walked up behind her, my chest close to her back, opening the top right cupboard.

"Plates," I whispered lowly, my lips close to her ear. I reached my other arm towards the middle cabinet. "Cups."

"T-th-thanks," she stammered out. Averie pulled four plates from the cupboard, stepping away from me and putting distance between us. I stood beside her, pulling four wine glasses from the cabinet. Setting them down I grabbed four water glasses. "Forks and knives are in that drawer," I said pointing to the drawer she was standing in front of. Once she had utensils and plates she walked towards the dining room. I followed quickly after her, a pitcher of water and four glasses sin my hand. Kaylee and Michael were already seated, Kaylee to the left of where I sit at the head of the table and Michael next to her. While Averie set the table I went back to grab the wine and wine glasses.

When I reentered the dining room Averie was sitting tot the right of my seat. Seeing her sit there, to my right, where she belonged nearly sent me in into a frenzy. When I'd finished filling everyone a glass of wine I took my seat. "Aren't you only 19?" Averie asked Kaylee.

"Yup," my sister answered with a smirk, popping the p before taking a generous sip of her wine. "You know wine doesn't effect werewolves anyways," she shrugged. Averie nodded in agreement before taking a sip of wine herself.

"That's good," she said.

"It's my favourite," I smiled at her, hoping that my desperation to have anything in common with her wasn't too apparent. Kaylee started plating food, passing take out containers around. The first part of our meal passed in comfortable silence, everyone commenting on how delicious the food was.

"How old are you?" Kaylee asked Averie.

"21," she replied.

"So if Kane had found you when he'd just turned 18 you would have been 15?" She asked. Confused, Averie nodded her head in agreement. "Huh. Interesting," Kaylee smirked in my direction. I ignored her. Before anyone could say anything else there was a knock on the suite door.

Dangerous Prophecies: Destined Series Book 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang